Which statements about the TYPO3 backend and the frontend are correct? (2)
The TYPO3 frontend is always enabled and always shows a HTML-based website
If frontend users are enabled, these user accounts are the same accounts as for the backend users
Content creators (e.g. editors) typically use the backend to edit texts and images
By default, users can access the TYPO3 backend by appending /admin/ to the site’s root URL
TYPO3 instances can be “headless” which means that no web-facing user interface (frontend) exists
What is the purpose of the Admin Panel? (2)
The Admin Panel is the administrator’s control center for user settings
The Admin Panel can be used to analyze the frontend output
The Admin Panel can be used to configure TYPO3 in the backend
The Admin Panel can be used to simulate a website access by a specific frontend user group
The Admin Panel monitors data entries and can notify administrators about changes
Which steps are required to activate the Admin Panel for a backend user without administrator privileges? (2)
By entering config.admPanel = 1 in the TypoScript setup of the root template
By entering config.admPanel = 1 in the User TSconfig
By entering admPanel.enable.all = 1 in the TypoScript setup of the root template
By entering admPanel.enable.all = 1 in the User TSconfig
By enabling the function in the user’s user settings
You created a content element that should be visible only between 8:00 and 11:00 in the morning. It is currently 14:00. What is a sensible way to check the output of the content? (1)
You change the time on your desktop computer
You change the time on the server
You wait until 8:00 the next day
You simulate the correct time in the Admin Panel
Which statements about the TYPO3 Console are correct? (3)
The TYPO3 Console typically requires console access (command line interface)
The TYPO3 Console must first be enabled in the Install Tool
The TYPO3 Console is only available on Linux servers
The TYPO3 Console can be used to execute certain administrative actions
Custom commands can be added by TYPO3 developers as required
The TYPO3 Console is only available on TYPO3 instances in Composer mode
What are backend layouts in TYPO3? (1)
Backend layouts let you adjust the visual appearance of the page tree
Backend layouts let you change the order of backend modules in the menu on the left-hand side in the TYPO3 backend
Backend layouts let you define a combination of rows and columns in the backend and are typically used to visualize the appearance of the frontend
As backend layouts are always global, you can’t apply different layouts on different pages within the same TYPO3 installation
Which statements about page layouts in the TYPO3 backend are correct? (1)
Backend layouts can be configured in “Admin Tools → Settings → Layouts”
Backend layouts can be used to map page layouts in the backend
The extension “Grid Elements” must be installed to map page layouts in the backend
The TYPO3 backend features a four-columns backend layout by default
TYPO3 supports up to four different backend layouts
What are possible methods to quickly find the pages you edit frequently in the TYPO3 backend? (2)
By bookmarking the deep links of the pages in your browser
By installing the third-party extension “Shortcuts”
By using the “Bookmarks” function in TYPO3
By Using the “Web → Functions → Bookmarks” backend module
By using the following option: config.shortcuts = id1,id2,id3,...
How can you test if the output of a page appears as expected for a certain screen width or height on mobile phones? (1)
This cannot be tested as TYPO3 does not support responsive web design (RWD)
Open the page in the frontend and append the argument width=320 to the URL
Open “Web → Template” and select “Page Preview (mobile)” from the dropdown box at the top
Preview the page under “Web → View” and select the preferred screen resolution
How can you access a list of arbitrary data records stored against a specific page in the TYPO3 backend? (2)
By selecting the page in the “Web → List” backend module
By selecting the page in the “Web → Page” backend module
By opening the “Web → View” backend module and selecting the page from the dropdown box at the top
By opening the “Web → Info” backend module and selecting the “Pagetree Overview” function
By selecting the context menu of the page in the page tree and selecting “More options>List module”
How can you add notes to a page in the backend so that other users can access them? (1)
TYPO3 features a tab “Notes” in the page properties for this use case
The system extension “Page Notes” provides the function to add notes to pages
The function “Page Notes” of the Admin Panel lets backend users add notes to pages
The function “Web → View → Notes” lets backend users add notes to pages
Does the TYPO3 backend feature an undo function? (2)
TYPO3 does not have an undo function by default, but it can be added through third-party extensions
Yes, TYPO3 has an undo function in the “List” module by default
Yes, TYPO3 has an undo function in the “Page” module by default
Yes, TYPO3 has an undo function in the “Info” module by default
Yes, TYPO3 has an undo function in the “Versioning” module by default
As a backend user with administrator privileges, you want to prevent “normal” users from logging-in to the backend while you are performing maintenance on the system. How can you achieve this? (1)
Write an email to all backend users and ask them not to log-in
Change the passwords of all backend users and don’t reveal the new passwords for the time being
Rename the typo3/ directory, don’t reveal the new URL, and change it back once you’re done
Enable the “admin-only” mode in the global system configuration
Lock the backend by accessing the system with the &adminOnly=1 parameter in the URL
In which backend modules can you enter TypoScript configuration to configure the output in the frontend? (2)
In the “Web → Page” module
In the “Web → Template” module
In the “Web → List” module
In the “System → Install Tool → Templates” module
In the “Web → TypoScript” module
Which statements about the TYPO3 backend module “Dashboard” are correct? (2)
The dashboard is only available for administrator and system maintainer users
Backend users can have multiple dashboards
Only backend users with administrator privileges can rename the default dashboard “My Dashboard”
The TYPO3 backend module “Dashboard” is part of the TYPO3 Core and cannot be disabled/removed
TYPO3 extensions can provide pre-configured dashboards (“presets”)
What are dashboard widgets in the TYPO3 backend? (3)
Backend users can add widgets to their dashboards
Each dashboard widget can only be used by one backend user
TYPO3 developers can build custom dashboard widgets as extensions
Dashboard widgets enable non-admin users to install system updates
Dashboard widgets output system information in the frontend of a website
Backend users can reposition widgets in their dashboards
Your backend users without administrator privileges cannot add specific widgets to their dashboard. What could cause this issue? (1)
The user or user group does not have the required permissions
Widgets possibly reveal sensitive information and must be explicitly enabled by the following Page TSconfig: mod.dashboard.widget.<id>.enable = 1
Reinstall the “dashboard” extension or flush all caches to register all widgets
Backend users without administrator privileges only have access to widgets provided by the TYPO3 Core
How can you move a page in the TYPO3 backend? (4)
This is not possible; you have to delete the page and then create it in a different place
By using drag and drop in the page tree
By right-clicking on a page in the page tree and then selecting “Cut” and “Paste after” or “Paste into”
By right-clicking on a page in the page tree and then selecting “Page actions → Cut” and “Page actions → Paste…”
By using the “Move up” and “Move down” in list buttons in the List module
By using the clipboard
How can you change the name of the root page (ID: 0) at the top of the page tree? (2)
By updating the site name in the “Installation-Wide Options” (Admin Tools)
By double-clicking on the page name in the page tree
By setting the environment variable TYPO3_SITENAME
By accessing the page properties and updating the page title in tab “General”
By setting the following variable in the file typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['sitename']
How can you limit the page tree view to display only a specific page branch? (1)
This is not possible as TYPO3 always shows the full page tree with all pages in the system
By selecting the “Mount as tree root” option in the page properties of the page
By selecting “More options → Mount as treeroot” from the context menu of the page
By using the following Page TSconfig setting: options.mountAsTreeRoot = 1