Erstellt von Charlie Mason
vor mehr als 2 Jahre
The Lords
The Commons
The Government
Green Paper
White Paper
First Reading
Second Reading
The Commitee Stage
The Report Stage
Third Reading
The Lords
Royal Assent
What is the role of the police?
What is the role of the courts?
Which other organisations do the police have relationships with?
Which other organisations do the courts have relationships with?
Which other organisations do the government have relationships with?
Which other organisations do HM Courts and Tribunal Services have relationships with?
Which other organisations do the National Probation Service (NPS) have relationships with?
Which other organisations do the HM Prison and Probation Service have relationships with?
Which two theories fall under the Crime Control Theory?
How does right-realism link to the Crime Control Theory?
How does Functionalism link to the Crime Control Theory?
Which two theories link to the Due Process Model and Theory?
How does left-realism link to the Due Process Model?
How does labelling theory link to Due Process Model?
What are three types of internal social control?
How does moral conscience (superego) link to internal social control?
How does tradition and culture link to internal social control?
How does internalisation of social morality rules link to internal social control?
What are two types of external control?
How do agencies of social control link to external control?
How does the criminal justice system link to external control?
What is coersion?
What is fear of punishment?
What is control theory?
Control theory:
According to Hirschi, there are four main factors which influence people to obey the law. What are these four reasons?
How do parental bonds link to control theory?
How do feminists apply control theory?
What are the aims of punishment?
What is retribution?
Which theory of crime does retribution link to?
What are some criticisms of retribution?
What is rehabilitation?
How do individualists view rehabilitation?
Which theory links to rehabilitation?
What are some criticisms of rehabilitation?
What is deterrence?
How does severity of punishment and certainty of punishment affect the effectiveness of deterrence?
Which theory links to deterrence?
How does rational choice theory link to deterrence?
How do situational crime prevention strategies effect deterrence?
How does social learning theory link to deterrence?
What are some criticisms of deterrence?
What is public protection/incapacitation?
How do biological theories link to incapacitation?
Which theory links to incapacitation?
What are some criticisms of incapacitation?
What is reparation?
Which two theories link to reparation?
What are some criticisms of reparation?
What are financial sentences?
Do financial sentences meet the aims of retribution? Why/why not?
Do financial sentences meet the aims of rehabilitation? Why/why not?
Do financial sentences meet the aims of deterrence? Why/why not?
Do financial sentences meet the aims of incapacitation? Why/why not?
Do financial sentences meet the aims of reparation? Why/why not?
What are community services?
Do community sentences meet the aims of retribution? Why/why not?
Do community sentences meet the aims of rehabilitation? Why/why not?
Do community sentences meet the aims of deterrence? Why/why not?
Do community sentences meet the aims of incapacitation?
Do community sentences meet the aims of reparation? Why/why not?
According to Sir Robert Peele, who founded the metropolitan police in 1829, what are the aims of the police force?
Where does the police force's funding come from?
What is the reach of the police?
What types of people do the police deal with?
What are the 6 judicial principles?
What is the role of the judiciary?
How is the judiciary funded?
What is the national and local breach of the courts?
Explain how finances limit the police in achieving social control.
Explain how finances limit the courts in achieving social control.
Explain how finances limit prisons in achieving social control.
What are Community Rehabilitation Centers (CRCs)?
What is the Conservative perspective on social control and privatisation?
What are some limitations of the NPS?