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N125 Exam 1

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N125 Exam 1

Frage 1 von 52


The nursing assistive personnel (NAP) is working on a medical surgical unit in a hospital and has been providing patient care without performing hand hygiene. Several of the patients on the unit have suffered hospital-associated diarrhea infections (Clostridium difficile). The hospital-associated disease transmission is best described as what?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • natural passive immunity.

  • indirect.

  • natural active immunity.

  • direct.


Frage 2 von 52


When checking for proper blood pressure cuff size, the nurse knows that which guideline is correct?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The width of the rubber bladder should equal 80% of the arm circumference.

  • The length of the rubber bladder should equal 40% of the arm circumference.

  • The standard cuff size is appropriate for all sizes.

  • The length of the rubber bladder should equal 80% of the arm circumference.


Frage 3 von 52


There was an outbreak of Salmonella infection at a nursing home. Several residents were hospitalized as a result of the infection. What is the best term to describe this infection?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Community-acquired infection

  • Exogenous infection

  • Asepsis

  • Endogenous infection


Frage 4 von 52


A nurse is assigned to multiple patients on a busy surgical unit. To minimize the onset and spread of infection, the nurse should:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Insert indwelling catheters to prevent incontinence.

  • Use barriers sparingly to reduce the patient’s sense of isolation.

  • Use sterile technique when performing procedures.

  • Keep mucus membranes dry to prevent maceration.


Frage 5 von 52


A patient’s plan of care includes the goal of increasing mobility this shift. As the patient is ambulating to the bathroom at the beginning of the shift, the patient suffers a fall.
Which initial action will the nurse take next to revise the plan of care?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Establish a new plan of care

  • Assess the patient

  • Consult physical therapy

  • Set new priorities for the patient


Frage 6 von 52


The nurse is admitting a patient with a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection located in the patient's pressure ulcer. On what precautions should the nurse place the patient?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Contact precautions.

  • Protective environment.

  • Airborne precautions

  • Droplet precautions.


Frage 7 von 52


Which nursing actions will the nurse perform in the evaluation phase of the nursing process? (Select all that apply.)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Document results of goal achievement.

  • Determine whether outcomes or standards are met

  • Ambulate patient 25 feet in the hallway.

  • Administer medications to decrease pain

  • Use self-reflection and correct errors.

  • Set priorities for patient care.


Frage 8 von 52


The student nurse is caring for a postsurgical patient who has developed a health care– acquired wound infection that has become systemic. Which of the following should be the student nurse’s top priority?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Providing emotional support

  • Taking vital signs

  • Providing personal hygiene

  • Providing patient education


Frage 9 von 52


The nurse is taking the pulse of an adult patient and finds that the patient’s heart rate is 48 beats per minute. What should the nurse document as the finding?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • bradycardia

  • bradypnea

  • normal heart rate

  • tachycardia


Frage 10 von 52


A 36-year-old patient has been admitted to the hospital. The nurse who is admitting him notes that his blood pressure is 164/98. Which of the following should the nurse do next?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Ask the patient what his blood pressure normally measures for comparison.

  • Do nothing; this is within a normal range for a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis.

  • Tell the patient that they have hypertension and educate them on normal BP values.

  • Immediately call the health care provider and request antihypertensive medication.


Frage 11 von 52


The nurse has had a nasal culture performed and has been found to be MRSA positive. Because the nurse has not been ill from the bacteria, the nurse’s nasal cavity can best be described as a:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • susceptible host.

  • portal of entry.

  • reservoir.

  • mode of transmission.


Frage 12 von 52


Which action indicates a nurse is using critical thinking for implementation of nursing care to patients?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Reads over the steps and performs a procedure despite lack of clinical competency

  • Establishes goals for a particular patient without assessment

  • Determines whether an intervention is correct and appropriate for the given situation

  • Evaluates the effectiveness of interventions


Frage 13 von 52


A nurse is preparing to collect a blood sample from a patient who is diagnosed with Tuberculosis. What personal protective equipment should the nurse wear prior to entering the patients room?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Surgical mask and gloves

  • Gloves and gown only

  • N95 or Respirator mask, gloves and gown

  • Surgical mask, gloves and gown


Frage 14 von 52


The nurse completes a thorough assessment of a patient and analyzes the data to identify nursing diagnoses. Which step will the nurse take next in the nursing process?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Implementation

  • Assessment

  • Diagnosis

  • Planning


Frage 15 von 52


A 26-year-old man was working on a roof in the hot 105-degree weather. His friend brought him to the hospital after the patient complained of severe muscle cramps and became confused. Which of the following should the admitting nurse do first when assessing the patient?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Apply a hyperthermia blanket to lower temperature slowly.

  • Take the patient’s temperature.

  • Place the patient in a tub of iced water.

  • Remove fans to prevent premature chilling.


Frage 16 von 52


Where is the pain located?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Radiate

  • Provokes

  • Time

  • Quality

  • Severity


Frage 17 von 52


What causes the pain?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Radiate

  • Provokes

  • Time

  • Quality

  • Severity


Frage 18 von 52


Does it come and go?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Radiate

  • Provokes

  • Time

  • Quality

  • Severity


Frage 19 von 52


What does the pain feel like?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Radiate

  • Provokes

  • Time

  • Quality

  • Severity


Frage 20 von 52


What is the rating on a scale of 0 to 10?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Radiate

  • Provokes

  • Time

  • Quality

  • Severity


Frage 21 von 52


A nursing student is working on a surgical unit in the hospital. Included in the job description is to assist in the cleaning and disinfection of equipment stored on the unit. Which of the following is the best explanation of disinfection?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Removing organic material

  • Destroying all forms of microbial life

  • Removing inorganic material

  • Eliminating almost all pathogenic organisms


Frage 22 von 52


apical pulse Heartbeat as listened to with the bell or diaphragm of a stethoscope placed on apex of the heart

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 23 von 52


apnea Cessation of airflow through the nose and mouth

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 24 von 52


bradycardia Slower than normal heart rate; heart contracts fewer than 60 times

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 25 von 52


bradypnea Abnormally slow rate of breathing

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 26 von 52


diastolic pressure the blood pressure at the instant of maximum cardiac relaxation

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 27 von 52


A nurse determines that the patient’s condition has improved and has met expected outcomes. Which step of the nursing process is the nurse exhibiting?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Implementation

  • Assessment

  • Evaluation

  • Planning


Frage 28 von 52


Nursing is the most trusted profession where professionalism should be shown in all actions. Which of the statements are true to what professionalism means to nurses (select all that apply):

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Only respects patients

  • Team player

  • Lifelong learner

  • Does not participate in self-care

  • Respect to self and each other


Frage 29 von 52


In terms of your nursing practice, a general survey has the following characteristics (select all that apply):

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Includes subjective parameters

  • Includes objective parameters

  • Proves the registered nurse an overall impression

  • Conveys health state and obvious physical characteristics


Frage 30 von 52


Which of the following statement best reflects objective data?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Facial features, patient denies drug use, patient's family appears nervous

  • Age, sex, skin color

  • Level of consciousness, patient complains of light headedness, patient reports of burning urination

  • Pain level of 5/10, patient shouting for help


Frage 31 von 52


The best location to assess the pulse during a routine physical assessment is:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Popliteal

  • Brachial

  • Radial

  • Apical


Frage 32 von 52


You received shift report from the night shift and your first action is to complete an orthostatic blood pressure. Which of the following is the most accurate?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Reading should be taken 1 minute apart in the following positions: supine, sitting and standing

  • Reading should be taken right after patient wakes up in the morning.

  • Readings should be taken 3 minutes part in the following positions: supine, sitting and standing

  • Reading should be taken standing first to prevent dizziness


Frage 33 von 52


In regards to assessing pain in your assigned patients, which accurately reflects the "PQRST" assessment:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Pain, Quantity, Region, Sign, Temperature

  • Provokes, Quality, Radiation, Severity, Timing

  • Promotion, Quantity, Radiation, Symptom, Treatment

  • Promote, Quality, Readiness, Sequence, Timing


Frage 34 von 52


hypertension Disorder characterized by an elevated blood pressure persistently exceeding 120/80mm Hg.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 35 von 52


Abnormal lowering of blood pressure that is inadequate for normal perfusion and oxygenation of tissues

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 36 von 52


Abnormal lowering of body temperature below 35 C, or 95 F, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 37 von 52


orthostatic hypotension Abnormally low blood pressure occurring when a person stands up.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 38 von 52


systolic pressure The pressure representing ventricular contraction

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 39 von 52


tachycardia Rapid regular heart rate ranging between 100 and 150 beats per minute.

Wähle eins der folgenden:

  • WAHR


Frage 40 von 52


Which of following does not belong when speaking about critical thinking:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Specific knowledge base

  • Competencies

  • Attitudes

  • Experience

  • Lack of knowledge base


Frage 41 von 52


Which of the following vital signs recorded for an older adult would be considered acceptable (i.e., within normal limits)?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Temp 96.8° F, P 60, R 18, BP 160/90, O2 sat 93%

  • Temp 97.0° F, P 60, R 16, BP 116/78, O2 sat 95%

  • Temp 98.0° F, P 76, R 22, BP 110/70, O2 sat 88%

  • Temp 98.6° F, P 56, R 20, BP 120/80, O2 sat 91%


Frage 42 von 52


Which of the following situations may affect a patient’s vital signs? Select all that apply.

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Isolation precautions

  • Seasons

  • Moving from a lying to a standing position

  • Time of day

  • Pain rated as a 7 on a 1 to 10 pain scale


Frage 43 von 52


Which nursing diagnosis statement is written correctly?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Altered tissue perfusion related to heart failure

  • Impaired tissue integrity related to sacral redness

  • Ineffective airway clearance related to weak cough effort.

  • Altered urinary elimination related to reduced urine output.


Frage 44 von 52


Which method of data collection will the nurse use to establish a patient’s database?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Checking orders for diagnostic and laboratory tests

  • Reviewing the current literature to determine evidence-based nursing actions

  • Ordering medications

  • Performing a physical examination


Frage 45 von 52


The nurse is using critical thinking skills during the first phase of the nursing process. Which action indicates the nurse is in the first phase?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Determines whether outcomes have been achieved

  • Intervenes based on priorities of patient care

  • Completes a comprehensive database

  • Identifies pertinent nursing diagnoses


Frage 46 von 52


A new nurse writes the following nursing diagnoses on a patient’s care plan. Which nursing diagnosis will alert the charge nurse to intervene immediately?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Urinary retention

  • Impaired swallowing

  • Hemorrhage

  • Wandering


Frage 47 von 52


A nurse is providing care to patients after completing a care plan from nursing diagnoses. In which step of the nursing process is the nurse?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Evaluation

  • Assessment

  • Planning

  • Implementation


Frage 48 von 52


Which of the following is true about the force, or strength, of a pulse?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • It reflects the blood volume in the arteries during diastole.

  • It demonstrates elasticity of the vessel wall.

  • It is usually recorded on a 0- to 2-point scale.

  • It is a reflection of the heart’s stroke volume.


Frage 49 von 52


A new nurse asks the preceptor to describe the primary purpose of evaluation. Which statement made by the nursing preceptor is most accurate?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • “Nurses use evaluation to determine the effectiveness of nursing care.”

  • “During evaluation, you determine when to downsize staffing on nursing units.”

  • “Evaluation eliminates unnecessary paperwork and care planning.”

  • “An evaluation helps you determine whether all nursing interventions were completed.”


Frage 50 von 52


A patient’s blood pressure is 118/82. They ask the nurse to explain “what the numbers mean.” What would be the nurse’s best response?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • “The top number is the systolic blood pressure and reflects the pressure of the blood against the arteries when the heart contracts.”

  • “The concept of blood pressure is difficult to understand. The main thing to be concerned about is the top number, or systolic blood pressure.”

  • “The numbers are within normal range and are nothing to worry about.”

  • “The bottom number is the diastolic pressure and reflects the stroke volume of the heart.”


Frage 51 von 52


A patient is one-day postoperative for major abdominal surgery. When the nurse and the assistive personnel raise the head of the bed to sit the patient on the side of the bed before ambulation, the patient immediately complains of dizziness and nausea. What are your immediate actions?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Lower the head of the bed and return the patient to the supine position.

  • Obtain vital signs.

  • Allow the patient to rest for 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Notify the health care provider immediately.


Frage 52 von 52


A patient with a bacterial infection has a nursing diagnosis of deficient fluid volume related to excessive diaphoresis (sweating). Which outcome would the nurse recognize as appropriate for this patient?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Patient’s bedding is changed when it becomes damp.

  • Patient understands the need for increased fluid intake.

  • Patient’s skin remains cool and dry throughout hospitalization.

  • Patient has a balanced intake and output.
