Erstellt von Georgia Tan
vor mehr als 9 Jahre
What is confirmation bias?
"accept that the treatment worked if the number of 6’s is larger than a cut-off value c"
Do we do this before, during or after we have analyzed the data?
All statistical tests have two elements - name them
What is a false positive error?
What is a false negative error?
We should focus on avoiding what kind of error?
significance level = a test procedure’s probability of producing a______ error
The significance level is chosen ______ we see the data
– The p-value is calculated ____ we see the data – it is a summary statistic of the data
A statistical test only controls the probability of a false ______ error
The probability of a false ______ error can be very large
The chance of a false negative can be as large as_________ of the test
For single variables, the most important graphs are: (name 3)
For multiple variables, the most important graphs are:
Since intercept and slope are statistics, they have ____
A high correlation coefficient is always:
A low correlation coefficient is
The significance level tests the claim: “The slope is not zero”......
The larger the unknown slope is, the more likely it is that
A very small slope can be highly significant in one of the following two situations:
The confidence interval for the slope gives you information about:
If two variables X and Y are correlated, information about X can
If an omitted variable is the reason for the correlation, then changing X:
R-square is often used as a “measure of fit”
What does this actually mean?