What does the command 'pwd' do when executed in an terminal?
What does the command 'ls' does when executed in an terminal?
What does the command 'cd' does when executed in an terminal?
What does the command 'cd ..' does when executed in an terminal?
What does the command 'mkdir' does when executed in an terminal?
What does the command 'rails -v' does when executed in an terminal?
What does the command 'ruby-v' does when executed in an terminal?
What is the command that is used to create an application in Rails?
After creating an application in Rails what are the steps that are regarded for the application to work?
What command is used to install gems that are in the application Gemfile?
What is an gem?
What is the Gemfile?
What is the command that is used to start an Rails server?
How does one exit an rails server?
What is scaffolding?
What is the syntax of a rails scaffolding?
Give an example of creating scaffold object name products that have an attribute name description and data type of text
What is MVC?
Define each acronym of MVC
Explain the following diagram
Ones scaffold is created there are four files that consist of placeholder codes. These files are placed views/name_of_object folder. What are these files and state there use.
What command is used to create a database that stores data?
How does one change the homepage of a rails server?