Erstellt von Linnéa Kurman
vor etwa 2 Jahre
Low fidelity prototypes
The Nuremberg Code
User-centered design cycle
Hi-FI prototype
Iterative process
Cultural probes
Technology probes
What is the de diffrent steps in the user centerd desgin proces?
What questions should be asked and answerd when starting the proces?
What are some exaples of good desgin?
Name five diffrent structurs?
Name some common
desgin mistakes.
Name three principles.
What does "Emperical" mean?
How are the people that we need to please when degining?
What is the "Waterfall method"?
What´s Interative development?
What is the "cirekel of life" and what are the diffrent stages ?
How is de diffrent stages dependet on each other?
How do you deside the goal?
Explain a bit about the isuess and where to find them.
How do you deside the priority of isuess/goals?
What are goals?
What is important when making a reserch schedual?
Name interviews Lifecycel, advantages and
Name Think aloud´s lifecycel, advantages and dissadvantages.
Name Focus groups lifecycel, advantages and dissadvantages.
Name Observations lifecycel, advantages,
dissadvantages & Variations.
Name User tests lifecycel, advantages and
Name Surveys lifecycel, advantages and
Name Probes/diary studies
lifecycel, advantages,
dissadvantages &
What is log file analysis?
What do you do in the
eraly desgin &
requirment gathering stage?
What do you do in the
Development & design stage?
What do you do after the
release of teh product?
What is importent to think
about when budgeting?
As a rule of thump how much of the development cost should be spent on user centered reserch?
What is important to think about when making the reserch plan format?
What is important to think about when it comes to competetive reserch?
What should we think about when makinga a profile for our recruting?
Where should we start recruting w?
Where else can we also recruite?
Give a few wxample of what we shoudl think about and be aware of when recruting?
What shoudl we do and what is importante when schedualing)
What can be pitfalls when recruting and schedualing?
What is heuristic evaluation?
What is the Wizard of Oz methodology?