Megan Miller6048
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Quiz am psychology Exam 2, erstellt von Megan Miller6048 am 19/10/2015.

Megan Miller6048
Erstellt von Megan Miller6048 vor etwa 9 Jahre

psychology Exam 2

Frage 1 von 32


Louise is using a "club drug" that depresses the nervous system, causing feelings of relaxation. Unfortunately, the drug can also cause memory loss, paralysis, breathing problems, loss of consciousness, and even death. Louise ismost likely using ____.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • GBH

  • LSD

  • ketamine

  • an amphetamine


Frage 2 von 32


John, Paul, George, and Ringo are hooked up to electroencephalographs. John is in stage 3 sleep. Paul is also asleep, but he is dreaming. George just fell asleep a few minutes ago and is in stage 1 sleep. Ringo cannot fall asleep and is awake and mentally active. Whose EEG will look different than those produced by the other three?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • ringo

  • george

  • john

  • paul


Frage 3 von 32


Kevin takes a highly addictive drug that activates the brain's painkilling and mood-altering systems. Kevin is least likely to be taking ____.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • heroin

  • morphine

  • cocaine

  • opium


Frage 4 von 32


Alcohol and heroin are similar in that both ____.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • ​produce headaches, rapid heartbeat, and insomnia

  • change perceptual experiences and allow you to experience hallucinations

  • slow down mental and physical activity

  • heighten and increase the activity of the central nervous system


Frage 5 von 32


Shy Sherman is drinking some punch that has been spiked with alcohol. Within an hour, Sherman is talking loudly, acting silly, and telling people what he really thinks about them. Shy Sherman is acting this way because alcohol is a(n) ____.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • opiate that excites the limbic system

  • CNS depressant drug

  • CNS stimulating drug

  • hallucinogenic drug


Frage 6 von 32


People who experience post-traumatic stress disorder are at high risk of experiencing ____, which occur(s) during REM sleep and may be treatable with imagery therapy.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • nightmares

  • sleep terror disorder

  • sleepwalking

  • insomnia


Frage 7 von 32


A group of people are hypnotized and a second group simulates being hypnotized. Both groups are told to retie their shoes when they hear the phrase "be careful." The group simulating hypnosis retie their shoes only when the hypnotist says to "be careful," but the hypnotized group retie their shoes no matter who says to "be careful." In this example, which theory of hypnosis is supported?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • engagement

  • state

  • activation-synthesis

  • role


Frage 8 von 32


While reading her psychology book in her room on Saturday morning, Lakeisha remembered how much fun class was the day before. Lakeisha's memory of her class was in what level of awareness before she started reading?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • preconscious

  • conscious

  • unconscious

  • subconscious


Frage 9 von 32


As Desmond puts on his glasses in the morning, he is keenly aware of the sensation of the frames touching his nose. However, as the day goes on and he gets absorbed in other activities, the sensation of his glasses resting on his nose fades from his awareness. At this point, the sensations of the glasses on Aaron's nose are ____.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • conscious

  • preconscious

  • subconscious

  • unconscious


Frage 10 von 32


Penelope has been drinking coffee for the past ten years. She says she needs the caffeine to stay awake in her classes and simply get through the day. If she does not drink coffee on a particular day, she experiences severe headaches, fatigue, and shakiness. Penelope is most likely ____ dependent on caffeine and is experiencing ____.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • ​psychologically; learned expectations

  • physically; learned expectations

  • physically; drug withdrawal

  • psychologically; drug withdrawal


Frage 11 von 32


Sameera occasionally uses LSD. Her friend Lisa occasionally uses morphine. Their friend Amy is a social drinker. Which individual is the least likely to become dependent on the drug she is using?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • amy

  • lisa

  • sameera

  • they are all equally likely to become dependent


Frage 12 von 32


Seeta takes a drug that reduces her drowsiness and enhances her mood. However, at high doses, she experiences anxiety and tremors. After prolonged use, Seeta can build up a tolerance and physical dependence to the drug. Seetahas most likely ingested ____.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • opium

  • barbituates

  • caffine

  • LSD


Frage 13 von 32


Bart awakes screaming, shaking, and sweating, and his heart is beating rapidly. Homer and Marge, being good parents, has Bart hooked up to an electroencephalograph. Checking Bart's EEG, they note that Bart was in stage 4 sleep just before he awoke. From this information, they feel confident in saying that Bart had just experienced ____.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a lucid dream

  • an episode of sleep apnea

  • sleep terror disorder

  • a nightmare


Frage 14 von 32


Shaina starts crying because she thinks that her brother has disappeared, when in fact he just put on his Halloween mask. Piaget would say that Shaina is in the ____ stage and has not yet achieved ____.​

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • preoperational; conservation

  • sensorimotor; object permanence

  • sensorimotor; conservation

  • preoperational; object permanence


Frage 15 von 32


Two and a half-year-old Emma asks her mother if she can wear her pink princess outfit and eat licorice for lunch, but her mother refuses, insisting that Emma wear and eat what her mom considers more appropriate. According to Erikson, Emma is experiencing the crisis of ____.​

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • industry vs. inferiority

  • trust vs. mistrust

  • generativity vs. stagnation

  • autonomy vs. shame and doubt


Frage 16 von 32


Rashaun watches his toy disappear behind the couch and immediately looks away toward another toy. According to Piaget, Rashaun is most likely ____year(s) of age and in the ____ stage.​

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • one; preoperational

  • one; sensorimotor

  • three; preoperational

  • three; sensorimotor


Frage 17 von 32


​Ellen seeks the help of a professional because she feels much anxiety. The therapist helps her identify one major stressor, her relationship with her brother. Which of the following is the least effective way for Ellen to reduce the impact of this stressor?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • ​Ellen can learn to predict when situations involving her brother will be stressful.

  • Ellen can learn to believe that she has control over situations with her brother.

  • Ellen can change the way in which she interprets her brother's actions.

  • Ellen can learn how to ignore her brother whenever he is around.


Frage 18 von 32


People with disease-prone personalities are least likely to ____.​

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • ​avoid thinking about stressors

  • perceive stressors as catastrophic and brought on by themselves

  • think pessimistically about their ability to overcome stressors

  • rely mainly on problem-focused coping strategies


Frage 19 von 32


The leukocytes that produce antibodies to fight foreign toxins are known as ____; the leukocytes that have important antiviral and antitumor functions are known as ____.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • natural killer cells; T-cells

  • T-cells; B-cells

  • B-cells; natural killer cells

  • B-cells; T-cells


Frage 20 von 32


At a hostile family reunion, Paige is quite stressed. Her heart is racing, her emotions are frazzled, and she has crossed her arms to signal she's not to be disturbed. Paige's responses to the reunion are known as ____.​

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • stress reactions

  • burnout

  • stressors

  • general adaptation


Frage 21 von 32


Jerry has an eating disorder. She frequently gorged on her favorite foods and later tried to "get rid of the food" from her system. She was of normal weight and was successfully treated with an SSRI and group psychotherapy. Which of the following was Jerry most likely diagnosed with?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Anorexia Nervosa

  • No disorder

  • Binge Eating Disorder

  • Bulimia Nervosa


Frage 22 von 32


An authoritarian parent is...

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • one who wonders if they will have the authority to raise a child

  • firm but reasonable and explains why the child's behavior is incorrect Incorrect

  • very lax about discipline and gives the child complete freedom

  • firm, punitive, and unsympathetic


Frage 23 von 32


Abby is a gurgling, even-tempered, happy baby. Austin is a fussy, irregular, and irritable baby. These characteristics describe each infant's basic, natural disposition-her or his ____.​

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • egocentrism

  • goodness of fit

  • genotype

  • temperament


Frage 24 von 32


When little Augustus is given his first vitamin pill, he says, "Yea!!! Candy!!!!" According to Piaget, this is an example of ____.​

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • accommodation

  • egocentrism

  • assimilation

  • object permanence


Frage 25 von 32


In the course syllabus, the course objectives include _____________.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Information Literacy and Integrated Learning

  • Integrated Learning (Combining my knowledge of psychology, biology, and social contexts)

  • Information Literacy (Critically thinking about scientific literature and ethically citing sources)

  • Psychological Memorization (Remembering the definitions of psychological terms)


Frage 26 von 32


Jed feels tired all day long and can't focus very well at work. At a sleep institute, he is told that he actually stops breathing many times throughout the night. Jed has _______.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Lucid dreaming

  • Sleep apnea

  • Sleep terror disorder

  • REM behavior disorder


Frage 27 von 32


Tricia likes to take drugs that will increase her behavioral and mental activity. Tricia most likely uses all of the following types of drugs except

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • amphetamines

  • nicotine

  • cocaine

  • barbituates


Frage 28 von 32


Lance gives Israel a drink, telling him it is fruit punch with a tasteless alcohol in it. In actuality, it has no alcohol, but within an hour Israel becomes more aggressive and wild. Israel is experiencing the effects of

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • withdrawal

  • tolerance

  • alcohol

  • learned expectancies


Frage 29 von 32


A behaviorist believes that development is a result of the influence of _________.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • learning: nature

  • external conditions: nurture

  • genetics: nature

  • sexual impulses: nature


Frage 30 von 32


Using our class' Levels of Evidence scale, put the following items in order from lowest to highest levels of evidence.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Dr. VanDyke's mom's opinion, professional opinion, empirical research, Peer edited journal article, replicated research

  • Dr. VanDyke's mom's opinion, professional opinion, replicated research, Peer edited journal article, empirical research

  • Dr. VanDyke's mom's opinion, Peer edited journal article, replicated research, professional opinion, empirical research

  • Peer edited journal article, professional opinion, empirical research, Dr. VanDyke's mom's opinion


Frage 31 von 32


The mental events that you are currently aware of exist at the .

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    conscious level


Frage 32 von 32


At the level are mental events that cannot be experienced consciously.

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