Veronika Bebekh
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

7th grade 7th grade (7th grade. Unit 2. Personality) Quiz am 7th grade. Unit 2. Final test, erstellt von Veronika Bebekh am 15/11/2022.

Veronika Bebekh
Erstellt von Veronika Bebekh vor fast 2 Jahre

7th grade. Unit 2. Final test

Frage 1 von 8


Match the opposites

sociable -
- silly
sensitive -
- shy
courageous -
- generous
selfish -
- irresponsible
neat -

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Frage 2 von 8


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Complete the sentences. The first letter is given.

Aries are born leaders and tend to be b. They like to tell other people what to do. In addition, they are quite i as they don’t like waiting.


Frage 3 von 8


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Complete the sentences. The first letter is given.

Taurus people are practical and s. They usually think carefully before doing something. They can be s at times. They will never change their opinion even if they are not right.


Frage 4 von 8


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Complete the sentences. The first letter is given.

Gemini are talkative, friendly and s, they enjoy being with other people. They are also i and curious. They are good at understanding difficult ideas


Frage 5 von 8


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

Complete the sentences. The first letter is given.

Cancer people are i and creative. They enjoy creating beautiful worlds from their imagination. They are often shy and r. Cancerians prefer a good book or film to a company of others and hide their feelings under their protective shell. They are also quite s and can be easily hurt.


Frage 6 von 8


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

Complete the sentences. The first letter is given.

Leos are c as they always know what they are doing. These big cats are c – they are real brave-hearts. On the other hand, they are sometimes insensitive and a. They believe they are better and more important than others.


Frage 7 von 8


Match the phrases with their meaning.

1. to be a very kind person -
2. a person with a secret -
3. a person who likes to be or work alone -
4. to look or behave like an older relative -

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    a heart of gold
    a dark horse
    a lone wolf
    to take after


Frage 8 von 8


Wähle von der Dropdown-Liste, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

How was life different 50 years ago? Express your opinion using intensifiers much / far / a lot and the comparative degree of adjectives in brackets.

Was life ( better, gooder, the best, the goodest ) 50 years ago? Well, I was ( much younger, more younger, the youngest ) and quite happy with my life. Of course, all these gadgets and the Internet have made our life ( a lot faster, a lot fast, more faster ) and easier. On the other hand, city streets ( used to be, did used to be, use to be ) much quieter and safer! Now they are so busy! I think food used to be far cleaner and ( healthier, healthy, the healthiest ) than it is now. People, I can’t say people were different. Kind-hearted and mean, wise and silly, greedy and generous, caring and self-centred. Maybe they were ( a bit more polite, a bit politest, the politer ) in the past. Well, was life without the Internet ( a lot more boring, the most boring, a lot boringer ) 50 years ago? I don’t think so. Young people were more active and used to spend much more time outside. I think it’s ( much more exciting, much most exciting, much excitinger ) to hang out with friends than sitting in your room in front of a computer screen all day and night. I liked shopping with my best friend. By the way, shops were ( far cheaper, more cheaper, far cheapest ). So, in my opinion life used to be better when I was young.
