Which of the letter bearer ( Ambassador) of Prophet (PBUH) , was killed by the ruler?
Marith Bin Umayr
Hatib bin Abi -Baltah
Dihya Al -Kalbi
For Whose guidance was the Prophet sent ?
The Arabs
The Muslims
All of Mankind
What were the Kings invited to in the letters ?
Worshipping One God (Aqeedah of Tauhid)
To accept the Prophet (PBUH) as a messanger ?
Which king did not accept Islam however, he sent The Prophet (PBUH) two maidens ( Maria and Sireen ) along with gifts ?
What was written on the seal of the Prophet (PBUH) ?
Muhammmad Rasul Allah
Allah Hu Akber
La Ilaha il lal lah
we should always start the letter with the name of Allah ?
Who finalized the marriage of Umm Habibah bint Abi Sufyan with Prophet (PBUH) ?
Abu Salma
Abu Baker
The Kingdom of Which King was destroyed due to his action of ripping the letter of Prophet (PBUH) ?
Harith bin Abu Shammar
Khussro Pervez
When the letter to the Rulers of Oman (Jaffar And Abd) was sent ?
After the Treaty of Huddabiya
After Fatah e Makkah
After Battle of Uhhad
How many Letters did The Prophet (PBUH) send to rulers in total ?