E^2(z) (k=0)
Convective Derivative
Contuity Equation
Euler Equation
Poisson Equation
At early times or small fluctuations
Eulerian vs Lagrangian
Comoving Gradient
Growth of structures when delta is small
Linear Growth Factor D(a)
Form of D
Potential Evolution
ZA comoving position
Initial Displacement Field
EdS radius growth of sphere at mean density
Radius of slightly overdense sphere
Linear sol to radius of overdense sphere
Mean vs overdense sphere
Overdensity linear approx
Overdensity Values
Virial Theorem
Virial radius for Spherical Tophat
Mass of virialised Perturbation
Value of Delta_c
Gaussian Random Field
Average of the Gaussian Random Field
Vairance of Gaussian Random Field
Usual Power Spectrum and Inflation Prediction
Meszaros Effect
Linear power spectrum
Smoothed overdensity field (variance on a certain scale)
What is filtered by the smoothing?
Ergodic principle
Characteristic comoving scale of dark matter halo definition
Characteristic radius for k^n power spectrum
When is sigma_8 evaluated
Rstar Mstar relation, Mstar definition
Behaviour of characteristic halo mass
Local gradient of CDM power spectrum
Halo mass function and cumulative mass function
Press-Schechter ansatz
Peak height
PS mass function behaviours
Dynamical timescale
Dynamical timescale formula
Relaxation timescale
Relaxation timescale formula
Singular Isothermal Sphere grav potential
SIS velocity dispersion
Hernquist model grav potential
SIS density
Hernquist Density
Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW)
Jean Length
Jeans Length Formula
Adiabatic Sound Speed
gamma for monoatomic ideal
Jeans Mass (If greater, Collapse)
Temperature- DM velocity dispersion relation for isothermal sphere in hydrostatic equilibrium
Virial Temperature
Spherical top hat definition of halo
Cooling time
Specific thermal energy
Emissivity (Power radiated per unit volume)
Cooling time with cooling function
Cooling to dynamical time relations
Cooling radius
When the virial radius is the cooling one
How do DM haloes acquire spin ang mom?
Time evolution of ang mom of proto-halo region, EdS case
Spatial evolution of ang mom of proto-halo
Halo spin parameter
Typical halo spin param
Exponential surface density of disks
Halo vs disk
Isothermal halo disk central surface density
Isothermal halo disk central length scale
Model ISM
Kennicut-Schmidt Law
Parameters of KS law
Feedback processes
Galactic wind speed due to supernovae
Parameters of wind speed
Galaxy velocity dispersion-Halo mass relation
Hot clusters thermal emission
X-ray luminosity-mass
Real LM relation