When was Abu Rafae was killed?
Zilhajja 5th Hijri
Zulqaida 5th Hijri
Safari 5th Hijri
Abu Rafae Salam bin AbulAqeeq ka qathal Abdullah bin Atheeq ne kiya.
Sumama bin Usaal was captured and was tied to to the pillar of masjid for three days and later. ...
He was released unconditionally
He was killed
He was released after taking money
The Ayahs of surah thul Abasa were revealed on which sahabi.
Abdullah Ibn Maqtum
Saad bin Muaaz
Salima bin AlAkwa
Which sahabi, famous for his fastest running and was the first one to attack the group of Oyana bin Mehsan in gazwa e zeeqarad
Abu zar
Abdullah bin Atheeq
Which family member of RasoolAllah s. A.w accepted Islam after sariya e Eees. ?
Abul Aas bin Rabiya
Abu jahal
Abu thalib
RasoolAllah s.a.w married whom among his azwaj after Gazwa e Banul musthalaq. ?
Which surah was revealed by Allah SWT to reveal the fithnah of Abdullah bin obaiy. ?
Surah Munafiqun
Surah Abasa
Surah Ahzaab
Which sahabi accompanied Hz Ayesha when her khafila left her behind alone during incident of ifk. ?
Safwaan bin Muattal
Saad bin muaaz
SAlima bin Akwa
Who slandered against Hz Ayesha during waqa e ifk.
Abdullah bin obaiy
Abul Aas