What aspect can the teres minor tuberosity best be seen from?
What direction does the tricipital line point?
Which tubercle juts off the humeral head?
greater tubercle
lesser tubercle
The brachial groove and the musculospiral groove are the same thing.
Anconeal crest is another word for the crest of the greater tubercle.
Which of the following are on the medial side of the humerus?
teres minor tuberosity
teres major tuberosity
brachial groove
intertubercular groove
Which of the following can be seen on the lateral side of the humerus?
tricipital line
deltoid tuberosity
minor teres tuberosity
major teres tuberosity
crest of lesser tubercle
The humeral condyle is the whole bottom section (not counting any shaft) of the humerus.
The greater tubercle points up and crainally.
The neck of the humerus is just distal to the head.
The olecranon fossa is on what side of the humerus?
The humeral head points caudally.
The major teres tuberosity overlaps the tricipital line.
The deltoid tuberosity is a pronounced, lateral projection on the body of the humerus.
On the lateral side of the bone, the brachial groove has a border that follows the tricipital line and overlaps the neck of the head.
The radial fossa is on the caudal side of the humerus.
The supratrochlear foramen is on the lateral side of the humeral condyle.
The medial epicondyle of the humerus touches the capitulum.
The lateral epicondyle is close to the capitulum.
The lateral epicondyle is more squared off than the medial one.
The crest of the lateral epicondyle is way longer than the one that the medial epicondyle has.
The brachial groove goes to where the crest of the lateral epicondyle starts.
On the cranial side, the brachial groove is wider at the top than at the bottom.
On the cranial side, the brachial groove doesn't show up until after the deltoid tuberosity.
The teres major tuberosity is right in the middle of the brachial groove.
The trochlea is more medial than the capitulum.
In the dog, the brachial artery and median nerve pass through the supratrochlear foramen but the cat has only connective tissue here.
Sometimes short legged dogs, like Corgis, have no supratrochlear foramen.
The supraspinatus attaches to the crest of the greater tubercle on both the medial and lateral side.
The infraspinatus attaches to a small spot on the body of the greater tubercle on the medial side.
The teres major m. and the teres minor m. attach to the major teres tuberosity.
The teres minor tuberosity is where the teres minor muscle attaches.
The accessory head of the tricepts attaches to the lateral side of the neck of the head.
The coracobrachialis has an attachment cranially paralell to that of the major teres and latissimus dorsi.
The medial head of the tricepts attaches in the same place that the corarobrachialis does.
The brachialis attaches slightly proximal to where the coracobrachialis does.
Part of the brachialis attaches on the proximal, lateral part of the brachial groove.
The medial head of the tricepts attaches to the tricipital line.
The superficial pectoral attaches to the crest of the greater tubercle.
The cleidobrachialis attaches to the lower, caudal part of the body.
The deltoid attaches to the deltoid tuberosity.
The brachioradialis attaches to the lateral epicondyle.
The extensor carpi radialis attaches to the crest of the media epicondyle.
The anconeus attaches to the lateral epicondyle.
The supinator m. attaches on a very distal spot on the medial epicondyle.
The lateral ulnar and some extensor muscles attach to the lateral epicondyle.
The deep pectoral attaches to both sides of the intertubercular groove.
The subscapularis attaches to the greater tubercle.
The pronater teres attaches to the lateral epicondyle.
Flexor muscles attach to the distal end of the medial epicondyle.
The teres major and latissimus dorsi attach parallel to each other.
The deltoid tuberosity is long and thin.