Ani Av
Quiz von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

Tertiary Education Semester 2, 2015 (PSYC1002) Quiz am Abnormal Psychology MCQ, erstellt von Ani Av am 17/11/2015.

Ani Av
Erstellt von Ani Av vor etwa 9 Jahre

Abnormal Psychology MCQ

Frage 1 von 8


What are the advantages of diagnosing an individual with a psychological disorder? (select all that apply)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Once a diagnosis is given, the social stigma associated with the person's unusual behaviour is eliminated.

  • Sufferers often report feeling better knowing they are not "crazy" or alone - they have a classifiable condition that is known and shared by others in the community.

  • It allows for communication between health professionals and benefits continuing research.

  • It avoids use of inappropriate interventions so a correct therapy or treatment is applied to address the underlying cause of problems.

  • It allows the person to more easily express the nature of their situation to friends and colleagues.


Frage 2 von 8


Which of the following statements about anxiety disorders is false?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • There is always a link between the development of an anxiety disorder and a traumatic event.

  • Anxiety disorders can develop in children.

  • Cognitive and behavioural interventions are often the treatment of choice for anxiety disorders.

  • The behaviours most typical of anxiety disorders are escape and/or avoidance.

  • There may be a genetic predisposition to the development of anxiety disorders.


Frage 3 von 8


The first step of exposure treatment is:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Disconfirming irrational beliefs through exposure to the feared situation.

  • Exposing the client to his/her irrational thoughts.

  • Having the client confront situations that he/she has been avoiding.

  • Teaching the client to relax when exposed to feared situations.

  • Extinction of the classically-conditioned fear response.


Frage 4 von 8


Which of the following is NOT true?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Agoraphobia is the fear of going out to public and open spaces.

  • According to behavioural theories, phobias are acquired through classical conditioning.

  • We may be biologically prepared to learn certain associations quickly, such as a fear of snakes.

  • A person suffering from a phobia recognises that his/her fear is irrational but cannot control it.

  • Social anxiety disorder (or social phobia) and obsessive-compulsive disorder are similar in that they both deal with social situations.


Frage 5 von 8


Sam has turned down promotions that she would have really liked at work because she was not able to control her intense anxiety about giving presentations. Should her behaviour be considered "abnormal"?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • No, since Sam could have many justifiable reasons why she has turned down these promotions.

  • No, since first we have to determine whether her behaviour deviates from social and/or cultural norms.

  • Yes, since it is abnormal to feel anxious about giving presentations.

  • Yes, since the behaviour causes her significant distress and interferes with her work functioning.

  • No, because first we have to determine whether her behaviour is dysfunctional.


Frage 6 von 8


Tragically, mood disorders (such as depression) are associated with suicide. Which of the following advice does the set reading (Passer & Smith, 2013) offer to prevent suicide? (select all that apply)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • take suicidal talk seriously rather than seeing it as attention seeking behaviour

  • in an acute crisis, do not leave a suicidal person alone

  • provide empathy and social support

  • try to help the person see his or her present situation within a wider time perspective

  • have a frank disucssion of the problem that is foremost in the person's life

  • encourage the person to seek professional assistance


Frage 7 von 8


Kate constantly thinks about jumping in front of an oncoming car when she is walking. The only way she seems to be able to stop these self-destructive thoughts is to say Mother Goose nursery rhymes over and over to herself. In this case, Kate's symptoms are most consistent with:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • generalized anxiety disorder

  • schizophrenia

  • bipolar disorder

  • panic disorder

  • obsessive-compulsive disorder


Frage 8 von 8


Which of the following are considered somatic symptoms of depression? (you need to select all that apply and none that do not apply)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Lack of drive

  • Loss of appetite

  • Hopelessness

  • Lack of energy

  • Sleep difficulties
