A script for a ping pong game, where a ball hits a wall, bounces and then a player must hit it or lose. Match the correct answer with the choice.
{"41.345_16.0261":[{"id":5495218,"answer":"returns the ball to the center at start","x":41.345,"y":16.0261},{"id":5495219,"answer":"sends the ball right","x":41.345,"y":16.0261}],"40.4247_59.5904":[{"id":5495220,"answer":"causes the ball to go faster","x":40.4247,"y":59.5904}]}
Ziehe eine Antwort zum richtigen orangen Punkt.
returns the ball to the center at start
returns the ball to the center at start
sends the ball right
sends the ball right
causes the ball to go faster
causes the ball to go faster