Erstellt von springle
vor etwa 9 Jahre
According to the MBTI this is how we gain energy.
According to the MBTI this is how we take in information.
According to the MBTI how to we make decisions?
According to the MBTI how do we approach life?
Doing what is not our preference is know was what in the MBTI?
According to the lecture who is suppose to lead?
The art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations
The core ideas of leadership
The top 5 practices of leadership
How does someone lead themselves
Making ourselves vulnerable to other people's behavior that we cannot control
How does a called leader and a driven leader act differently about their position
A passion supportive leader views failure as a way of knowing who is responsible
True or False
What are the 3 keys to model the way as a leader?
Two ways discussed that leaders encourage the heart
Two ways that couples can intentionally meet each other's needs?
Emotional responsiveness by men tend to soften start up by women, and if coupled by men accepting influence this works
What are the 5 steps of the relationship ladder
What percent of problems are not solvable
Which of the 4 horsemen refers to the silent treadment
When someone intentionally insults and tries to physiologically hurt their partner
What are major changes that are happening as far as the number of millennials
Being single has taken on a respected status
True or False
What is a major financial disadvantage of being single
What percent of American millennials are single
A mechanism, phenomenon, or category created by soceity
2 things that are social constructs
What should Christians remember when it comes to race
3 practical ways to deal with people who are different from you