What bacteria that can cause a person to get Travelers’s Diarrhea?
Pathogenic E.coli
Shigella spp
Bacillus cereus
What bacteria that can produces shiga toxin and cause food poisoning to our body?
Clostridium botulinum
E.coli 0157:H7
Which is not the reason for increasing problems with foodborne diseases?
Population growth
Increasing in consumption of animal products
Increase in international tourism
What is the most prominent foodborne virus?
Rotavirus Gastroenteritis
Hepatitis A
Norwalk Virus
What bacteria that produces potent neurotoxin?
Listeria monocytogenes
Virus can grow in human body
Controls that should apply to prevent from infected by Salmonella are avoiding fecal contamination and follow proper hand-washing.
Parasites live in or on host such as person, air and plant to survive.
Fungi can cause food poisoning.
Giardia lamblia cannot resistant to chlorine levels in the water supply.