Erstellt von Lily Gray
vor mehr als 11 Jahre
What is an external aid?
Why might a judge refer to a dictionary? Give a case which shows this EA
What is the advantage and disadvantage of using a dictionary?
What is the Interpretation Act 1978?
What are the advantage and disadvantage of using the Interpretation Act 1978?
What are explanatory notes?
What is Hansard?
When did the House of Lords say that Hansard can only be used?
What are the advantages of using Hansard?
What are the disadvantages of using Hansard?
What case allowed the courts to refer to hansard?
What are white papers and law commission reports?
What are the advantages and disadvantage of white papers and law commission reports?
What are previous judicial decisions?
Give an example of a case which shows previous judicial decision.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of previous judicial decisions?