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Items in the column are being assessed to verify all the information is present.
ENTRY Policy: Items MUST be reproducible, have a T Shirt size, priority and class of service assigned.
EXIT Policy: All the information required is fulfilled.
Buffer column when Solving's WIP is full
EXIT Policy: Solving WIP allows more Items
Items in the column are being closed as the outcome is provided
EXIT Policy:
Submitter has acknowledged the receipt of the communication and agrees on the outcome
EuroMIS has been informed on the communication of the outcome
Items in the column are being investigated to determine if QA/DEV are to work in them or can be closed.
EXIT Policy:
We are sure it's a QA problem and the problem hasn't been solved yet. = Solving
We are sure it's a DEV problem that hasn't been solved yet = Closed
We are sure it's not a QA/DEV problem AND the requester agrees on the outcome = Closed
Items in the column are being solved with a defined outcome
EXIT Policy
We are sure it's a QA problem and the outcome has been transmitted and agreed with the requester
We are sure it's a DEV problem, a bug is created in TFS or a SCR has been created.
SOLVING REASON custom field has been fullfiled