Erstellt von ashiana121
vor fast 9 Jahre
What is the definition of green crime?
What can much green crime be linked to?
The planet is a single __-______
Threats to the eco-system are increasingly ______ rather than local in nature
Give an example of this
Also, threats to the eco-system are now usually ___ ____ rather than natural
Who argues that in modern society we have adequate resources for all?
He argues that the massive increase in technology and productivity has lead to new...
Many of these risks involve harms to the environment and its consequences for humanity such as...
Like climate change and global warming, many of these risks are global in nature. and so Beck describes modern society as...
There are two opposed opinions when discussing whether or not excessive pollution and other 'green crimes' are breaking the law. What are the names of these views?
How do traditional criminologists define crime?
How do traditional criminologists Situ and Emmons define environmental crime?
What is an advantages of this approach?
How is the traditional criminology perspective of environmental crime criticised?
Green criminology takes a more _____ approach
Green criminology starts with the notion of _____ rather than criminal law
Green criminologists : the subject of green criminology is...
Why is the subject of green criminology much wider than that of traditional criminology?
Furthermore,. different ________ have different ____
Why does this create a problem?
What can green criminologists achieve by moving away from the legal definition of environmental crime?
Which view is this approach similar to and how?
Who identifies two views of crime?
What are these two views?
What is meant by anthropocentric?
Who, does White argue, adopts this view?
What is meant by the ecocentric view?
Which view does green criminology take?
Which green criminologist classifies green crimes into primary and secondary green crimes?
What is the definition of primary green crimes?
What are the four main types of primary crime?
How many tonnes of carbon are added to the atmosphere each year from burning fossil fuels?
Carbon emissions are growing at _% per year, adding to global warming and climate change
Who are the potential criminals of air pollution?
Between 1960 and 1990, how much of the worlds tropical rainforest was destroyed?
Give an example for by what reason the rainforest was destroyed
What has much rainforest in the Amazon been cleared for?
Who are the potential criminals of deforestation crimes?
How many species a day are becoming extinct?
How much of the earths species live in rainforests?
Why is this a problem?
There is also ___________ of animals and animal parts
Also, old crimes such as ___ _____ are on the increase
How many people lack access to clean drinking water?
How many people die annually from drinking contaminated water?
What is threatening the worlds ocean reefs and fish?
Who are the potential criminals of water pollution crimes?
What is the definition of secondary crimes?
What are the two examples of secondary crimes?
States condemn _________ but are prepared to resort to similar illegal methods themselves
Give an example of when this has happened
Disposal of toxic waste from chemical, nuclear and other industries is highly _________
Why may businesses seek to dispose of toxic waste illegally?
Where is much toxic waste illegally dumped?
Illegal waste dumping often has a __________ character
In some cases, where do Western companies ship there waste to be processed and why?
What is estimated to be the difference in the cost of disposing of a tonne of toxic waste in the USA and in some Third World countries?
What may some transnational pharmaceutical corporations do if there products have been banned in the West?
What does illegal waste disposal illustrate the problem of?
The existence of laws to regulate waste disposal in developed countries does what?
Why may it not be illegal in some cases?
What do both the strengths and weaknesses of green criminology arise from?
Green criminology recognises the growing importance of ____________ ______ and the need to address the harms and risks to both humans and non-humans
What is a disadvantage of green criminology?