Das ist ein zeitlich begrenztes Quiz.
Du hast 15 Minuten um die 10 Fragen in diesem Quiz zu beantworten.
What are the 3 characteristics of the fasiqeen mentioned in Ayah 27? (mentioned any 3)
They create fasaad/mischief on the earth.
They cut off what Allah has commanded that it should be joined.
Keeping good relations with relatives.
They break the covenant of Allah after making it very firm.
Choose a root and meaning of the word " يَنْقُضُو "
ن ق ض - To break something after making it firm. This is why it is used to nullify a covenant or contract.
ن ق ض - To keeping good relations with family. This is why it is used to nullify a covenant or contract.
Ahad-e-aalst is Before Allah (SWT) sent people to this world, Allah SWT gathered all the souls. Allah asked all the souls "Am I not your Lord? They replied "Yes You are our Lord, we worship none but You".
( Say True / False )
What is the deed that increases wealth and life span according to the hadeeth?
By fasting
By charity
Keeping good relations with the relatives.
HADITH Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hands legs and hands hearts and hands( tongue and hands, legs and hands, hearts and hands ) other Muslims are save.
When will we be bought to life again (for the second time)?
On the Day of Judgement
On the Death Bed
Choose the root and the meaning of the word " تُرْجَعُونَ "
ر ج ع - Return/ To go back to where we come from. We came from Allah and we will go back to him.
ر ج ع - U turn / To go back to where we come from. We came from Allah and we will go back to him.
ر ج ع - Turning point back to where we come from. We came from Allah and we will go back to him.
How many skies has Allah (SWT) has created?
For whom did Allah create this earth (and everything on this earth) ?
For Jins
For Us (human being).
For small creatures
Allah (SWT) created everything for us and we were created for Allah swt. Dunya Hereafter( Allah swt., Dunya, Hereafter )