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Quiz am USGBC LEED Green Associate , erstellt von j_fuji8 am 09/12/2013.

Erstellt von j_fuji8 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

USGBC LEED Green Associate

Frage 1 von 60


What constitutes the largest use of energy in buildings in the United States?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Space cooling

  • Space heating

  • Electric lighting

  • Water heating


Frage 2 von 60


Green building emphasizes using what type of design process?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Linear

  • Multistage

  • Integrative

  • Tiered


Frage 3 von 60


What are the three dimensions of sustainability often described as the triple bottom line or the three-legged stool?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Economic prosperity, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility

  • Economic theory, cultural agendas, and global variety

  • Energy efficiency, water efficiency, and indoor environmental quality

  • Government standards, building codes, and building practices


Frage 4 von 60


Life-cycle assessment is used to determine the ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Balance of natural cycles such as the hydrologic cycle

  • Environmental aspects and potential impacts of a given product

  • Life span of a building and its components

  • Environmental systems affected over the life of a building


Frage 5 von 60


When is the best time to incorporate an integrative approach for a building project

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Predesign

  • Schematic design

  • Design development

  • Construction documents

  • Construction


Frage 6 von 60


Credit weightings are based on ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Relative costs and benefits of each credit

  • Environmental impacts and human benefits

  • Carbon footprint and embodied energy

  • Expected environmental performance


Frage 7 von 60


Implementation of green building strategies such as daylighting, passive cooling, high-efficiency mechanical systems,
and stack ventilation contributes to what type of cost savings?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Reduced first costs

  • Reduced maintenance costs

  • Reduced life-cycle costs

  • Reduced end-of-life costs

  • Reduced imminent costs


Frage 8 von 60


The installation of low-flow faucet aerators at hand washing stations will result in which of the following? (Choose two)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Reduced hours of occupancy

  • Reduced energy use

  • Reduced water use

  • Increased occupant productivity

  • Reduced stormwater runoff


Frage 9 von 60


How many levels of LEED Professional Accreditation are available?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 6

  • 4

  • 1

  • 3


Frage 10 von 60


Which of the following is a primary responsibility of the U.S. Green Building Council?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Developing the LEED Professional Accreditation exams

  • Administering LEED project reviews and certification processes

  • Establishing continuing education requirements for LEED Accredited Professionals

  • Providing and developing LEED-based education and research programs


Frage 11 von 60


A development company is designing a seven-story, 100,000-square-foot condominium building. The developers will be
responsible for completing the interior finishes, but will not be supplying furniture or appliances. What LEED rating
system would be most relevant for this project type?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • LEED for New Construction and Major Renovation

  • LEED for Homes

  • LEED for Commercial Interiors

  • LEED for Core & Shell


Frage 12 von 60


The carbon overlay in LEED is used for what purpose?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • To prioritize the relative impact of credits on greenhouse gas emissions

  • To identify the major contributors to environmental degradation

  • To quantify the relative impact of different energy efficiency measures

  • To rank the feasibility of various green building strategies


Frage 13 von 60


What is the procedure required to achieve LEED certification?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Register a project with GBCI, pay applicable review fees, and submit documentation

  • Retain a LEED professional, register the project, and pay applicable fees

  • Submit documentation, obtain a preliminary rating, and pay applicable certification fees.

  • Register the project with GBCI, demonstrate environmental innovation, and pay applicable fees.


Frage 14 von 60


What is the earliest point at which a LEED for Schools project can be certified?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • After one year of occupancy and after all commissioning activities are complete

  • After the project team has registered and submitted all project specifications

  • After final punch-list items are complete and all review fees are paid

  • After building completion and once all submittals and clarifications are reviewed


Frage 15 von 60


The licensed-professional exemption is used by a project team to do what?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Achieve continuing education credit for primary team members.

  • Capture federally available tax credits for the project.

  • Bypass otherwise required submittals.

  • Streamline the permitting process in many jurisdictions.


Frage 16 von 60


A team is unclear whether a proposed project strategy will achieve a specific LEED credit the team is pursuing. The
team decides it should submit a Credit Interpretation Request (CIR). Prior to submitting the CIR for review, which
strategies should the project team consider (select three)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Review the credit intent and self evaluate whether the strategy meets that intent.

  • Contact LEED customer service to determine whether the CIR is likely to be successful.

  • Review past CIRs to see whether this issue has been addressed in the past.

  • Consult the appropriate LEED reference guide for a more detailed explanation.

  • Contact its local chapter to receive a preliminary ruling.

  • Identify other issues to address within the CIR.


Frage 17 von 60


What metric is the best indicator of transportation impacts associated with a building project?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Street grid density

  • Availability of public transportation

  • Vehicle miles traveled

  • Parking capacity


Frage 18 von 60


Decreasing impervious surfaces on a project site will ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Decrease percolation rates

  • Reduce potable water usage

  • Reduce stormwater runoff

  • Eliminate sewage piping


Frage 19 von 60


What is acknowledged as one of the greatest threats to surface-water quality?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Draining of local aquifers

  • Recreational boating

  • Rainwater harvesting

  • Nonpoint-source pollution


Frage 20 von 60


A project that specifies exterior surfaces with high solar reflectance index (SRI) values is contributing to which
environmental benefit?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Reduced heat island effect

  • Support for renewable energy

  • Protection of the dark-sky initiative

  • Improved stormwater quality


Frage 21 von 60


A project is in the pre-design phase and the site has already been selected. The team wants to increase the open space
on the project site. Which strategies should it consider (select two)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Increase the floor-to-area ratio of the building.

  • Implement a construction activity pollution plan.

  • Use pervious paving materials for the parking area.

  • Locate parking underground.

  • Select drought-tolerant plantings.


Frage 22 von 60


An industrial facility is located in an area with no public transportation. In which ways can the project team reduce the
project’s transportation impact (select two)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Provide a carpooling incentive to building occupants.

  • Upgrade the company cars to hybrids.

  • Install solar panels to power parking lot lighting.

  • Provide occupants a fuel subsidy.


Frage 23 von 60


A project adjacent to protected forestland that is home to a variety of plant and animal life wants to reduce the impact
of its site lighting. To achieve this, the project team installs exterior lighting that ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Provides for tasteful, decorative appearance.

  • Reduces the need for night-time security.

  • Adequately illuminates the night sky.

  • Does not trespass onto adjacent properties.


Frage 24 von 60


Prior to final selection of the project site, the owner and design team should confirm that the site is ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Compliant with the green design criteria

  • Compliant with the sustainable building codes

  • Previously undeveloped

  • Removed from other development


Frage 25 von 60


What is the primary standard used to establish the baseline case for indoor water use?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The Clean Water Act

  • Energy Policy Act of 1992

  • ASHRAE Standard 90.1

  • National Environmental Policy Act


Frage 26 von 60


What is reduced when a project uses reclaimed water in its cooling towers?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Potable water use

  • Process water use

  • Indoor plumbing water use

  • Nonpotable water use

  • Irrigation water use


Frage 27 von 60


How can potable water use for irrigation be reduced or eliminated (select two)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Install submeters

  • Select locally adapted plants

  • Increase the coverage of turf grass

  • Use organic fertilizers

  • Select noninvasive plants


Frage 28 von 60


Wastewater from toilets and urinals is known as ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Brownwater

  • Potable water

  • Blackwater

  • Graywater

  • Drinking water


Frage 29 von 60


Nonpotable water is typically suitable for which of the following uses (select two)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Ice making

  • Drinking

  • Showers

  • Toilet flushing

  • Irrigation


Frage 30 von 60


What is the baseline water use for water closets?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 0.8 gallons per flush

  • 1.0 gallons per flush

  • 1.6 gallons per flush

  • 3.2 gallons per flush


Frage 31 von 60


Municipally supplied reclaimed water is considered ____?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Free water

  • Nonpotable water

  • Process water

  • Blackwater


Frage 32 von 60


Process water use can be reduced by ____? (Choose two)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Installing submeters

  • Installing low-flow showerheads

  • Using high-efficiency irrigation technologies

  • Using ENERGY STAR-certified clothes washers


Frage 33 von 60


What is the first step a project team should consider when trying to save energy?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Use on-site renewable energy.

  • Reduce energy demand.

  • Adopt energy efficiency measures.

  • Install submetering equipment.


Frage 34 von 60


What strategy is being used for a project design that orients windows to allow the building to be warm in the winter,
stay cool in the summer, and capture daylight?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • High-performance mechanical systems

  • Efficiencies of scale

  • Energy simulation modeling

  • Passive design concepts


Frage 35 von 60


To what do renewable energy certificates (RECs) refer?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • On-site photovoltaic systems

  • Off-site renewable energy purchases

  • Market-generated wind power

  • Stock in utility providers


Frage 36 von 60


One of the most cost-effective ways to ensure optimal ongoing energy performance is to ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Commission building systems

  • Upgrade mechanical systems

  • Install renewable energy systems

  • Maintain trees and landscaping features


Frage 37 von 60


Refrigerants are necessary as part of the refrigeration cycle often used to cool buildings. However, the benefits of their
use should be considered against their potential for adverse environmental impacts. These direct impacts are
quantified by which metrics? (Choose two)

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Global warming potential

  • Energy use potential

  • Ozone depletion potential

  • Soil contamination potential

  • Air pollution potential


Frage 38 von 60


A project team is selecting the HVAC system for the tenant space. Which primary factors should be considered to
minimize the environmental impact of the system (select two)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • First cost

  • Expected life

  • Energy performance

  • Lead time


Frage 39 von 60


Energy use associated with office equipment, kitchen cooking, and escalators is known as ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Regulated energy

  • Exempt energy

  • Process energy

  • Secondary energy


Frage 40 von 60


Which are considered renewable energy sources (select two)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Nuclear

  • Solar

  • Wave

  • Natural gas


Frage 41 von 60


How many years can an agricultural product grown or be raised to be considered as rapidly renewable by LEED?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 5

  • 10

  • 15

  • 20


Frage 42 von 60


What is the first step in a successful waste management policy?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Recycle all possible construction materials.

  • Reuse existing materials.

  • Reduce the total quantity of waste.

  • Specify recyclable materials.

  • Determine the embodied energy of the product.


Frage 43 von 60


A project generates 100 tons of waste throughout construction. 50 tons are collected on-site and sent to a sorting
facility with a facility-wide diversion rate of 60%. 40 tons are separated on-site and sent directly to recyclers. The final
10 tons are incinerated off-site. What percentage of waste does LEED consider to have been recycled?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 40%

  • 50%

  • 70%

  • 80%


Frage 44 von 60


According to the EPA, what percentage of solid waste is currently recycled in the United States?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 11%

  • 32%

  • 51%

  • 72%


Frage 45 von 60


A building material that is made from recycled soda bottles contains ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Post-industrial recycled content

  • Post-consumer recycled content

  • Pre-consumer recycled content

  • Pre-fabricated recycled content


Frage 46 von 60


LEED defines regional materials as originating within ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 50 miles of the project site

  • 250 miles of the project site

  • 500 miles of the project site

  • 750 miles of the project site


Frage 47 von 60


Ongoing consumables are consumed during which of the following?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Design only

  • Construction only

  • Occupancy only

  • Both construction and operation

  • Construction and at the building’s end of life


Frage 48 von 60


Which environmentally preferable attributes of materials does LEED recognize (select three)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Are harvested and manufactured regionally

  • Contain recycled content

  • Are sourced from developing countries

  • Are salvaged

  • Offer future customization options


Frage 49 von 60


According to the Environmental Protection Agency, what percentage of time do Americans spend indoors?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 75%

  • 65%

  • 90%

  • 50%


Frage 50 von 60


Thermal comfort is typically attributed to what environmental factors?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Temperature, humidity, and air speed

  • Ventilation, temperature, and daylight

  • Humidity, ventilation, and controllability

  • Density, temperature, and solar heat gain


Frage 51 von 60


The abbreviation VOC refers to ____?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Volatile organic compounds

  • Variable operating conditions

  • Variable ozone contaminants

  • Versatile organized composites


Frage 52 von 60


Which strategy supports improved indoor air quality?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Eliminate refrigerants with ozone-depleting potential.

  • Avoid the use of products with high carbon dioxide concentrations.

  • Use filters with a low minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating.

  • Use materials with recycled content.

  • Use advance framing techniques.

  • Design systems to deliver ample outside air.


Frage 53 von 60


A school project in predesign would like to incorporate building strategies to maximize student learning. Which
strategies should be considered to achieve this goal (select two)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • Install individual thermal comfort controls in offices.

  • Incorporate daylight into classrooms.

  • Reduce the energy use of the building below the baseline standard.

  • Consider acoustical issues in core learning spaces.


Frage 54 von 60


An operable window is considered what kind of control?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Lighting control

  • Thermal comfort control

  • Acoustical control

  • Environmental tobacco smoke control


Frage 55 von 60


Demand-controlled ventilation is typically adjusted in response to ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A time schedule

  • Occupant requests to the building operator

  • Carbon dioxide concentrations

  • VOC concentrations


Frage 56 von 60


In addition to prohibiting smoking within the building, where is it also important to prohibit smoking to reduce occupant
exposure to harmful airborne chemicals (select two)?

Wähle eine oder mehr der folgenden:

  • In covered parking spaces

  • Near building entrances

  • Adjacent to building air intakes

  • In wooded areas


Frage 57 von 60


An Innovation in Design credit for exemplary performance would be available for ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Implementing a comprehensive green building education program

  • Significantly diverting construction waste beyond the requirement of 75%

  • Achieving carbon neutrality

  • Providing 75% more spaces with daylighting

  • Developing a green housekeeping policy


Frage 58 von 60


Projects can identify which credits have regional priority by ____?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Checking the USGBC website

  • Researching locally pertinent environmental issues

  • Submitting a Credit Interpretation Request (CIR)

  • Calculating the net environmental impact


Frage 59 von 60


An Innovation in Design credit for innovative strategies is likely available for projects that ___?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Issue a press release to announce their LEED project registration.

  • Include two LEED Accredited Professionals on the project team.

  • Develop an educational outreach program.

  • Plan to enroll the project in LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance.


Frage 60 von 60


A project team is considering pursuing an Innovation in Design credit for a strategy that will require a large capital
expense. The team decides that it will implement the strategy only if the strategy will be eligible for an Innovation in
Design credit. What steps should the team take to determine whether its strategy will be eligible for the credit?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Research existing CIRs to see whether the strategy has been previously addressed.

  • Calculate the strategy’s overall environmental impact and self-evaluate whether it is significant.

  • Draft a compelling narrative for the LEED submittal.

  • Check the LEED rating system.
