Health belief model is by rosentock and becker in which year
health belief model predicts....
likelihood to perform a behavior
intention to perform behavior
give an example for percieved susceptibilty in losing weight
i am overweight
i would like to lose weight
percieved severity is the assessment of risk or the assessment of seriousness?
the assessment of risk
the assessment of seriousness
An example of a perceived barrier evaluation would be....
'changing my diet is expensive'
' I would like to eat more healthily'
An internal cue to action example would be....
'i hate feeling fat'
'the skinny person in that magazine makes me want to lose weight'
what is missing from the HBM (Rosenstock and Becker, 1974)
Demographics Perceived risk Perceived severity Perceived barriers Perceived benefits Cut to action (internal and external) .....
Self efficacy
subjective norms
criticism of the HBM that has since been addressed an revised into the model....
self efficacy
social norms
a criticism of the model would be....
internal and external cues to action are not well explained
it is a static model and does not take into account dynamic processes
Breast cancer study by Asci and Sahin (2011) showed...
before internvention 36% mothers had a breast examination, after 76% had an examination
HBM was not good at predicting likelihood of behaviour because didn't include self-efficacy
Diabetes study showed, long (2011).....
the scales used to measure HBM e.g. each other different factors, was very good at measuring likelihood of behaviour
that using HBM for diabetes doesn't work because diabetes is a chronic illness
Another limitation of the HBM would be.....
doesn't include attitudes toward behaviour
doesn't take into account social norms or social influences.