Kyla Pharris
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Assess ELL Students

Kyla Pharris
Erstellt von Kyla Pharris vor fast 9 Jahre
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Ways I Can Address My DiverseLearnersAssessing FluencyInformal AssessmentIdentifying ELL'sAuthentic AssessmentOngoing AssessmentAssessing ELL'sPerformance-basedAssessmentPortfolioWriting AssessmentOral AssessmentReceptive Oral Language indicates the technique ofcomprehending what has been said. If a EB does nothave the foundation of receptive techniques, they willnot be able to establish solid expressive skills.Expressive Language indicates the ability tospeak and transfer thoughts and ideas to others.Emerging Bilinguals need to develop bothreceptive and expressive oral language. Theymust be able to have conversation skills andacademic language skills.Ongoing assessments is a process that helpsme know where your students are throughoutthe school year.Informal assessments can help me target astudent's problem areas and give me afully-developed idea of students abilities so I canrevamp instruction if need.After a student has been identify as an ELL student theymust be giving a language proficiency test and a academicskills assessment. After they are assessed the testexaminer and I can see what level of English they know andwhere do I need to start academic skills.Federal law states that all school disrticts are legallyobligated to identify students that speak a languageother that English. Even though they are obligated toidentify ELL's, they are not giving a specific procedureto do so.Students that speak a language besides English are offered aprogram built to help them become successful in school.Parents can deny their children the right to receive services.Fluent reading and speaking is mainlyabout the ability use volume, tone,emphasis, phrasing and oralexpression when reading a passage.EB's have to be able to decode wordsaccurately, recognize words incontext, and expressively interpretthe text.Assessing fluency is more that just making sure they can read somany words a minute, but to make sure that they comprehend whatis been read. It is important for me to make sure they read withfeeling and emotions. I can modeling how to read that way so ELL'sare exposure to hearing and learning the correct way of readingfluently.Home Language Surveys are forms thatparents/guardians have to fill out during the registrationprocess for their child(ren) at school. The survey askquestions like what is the students first language, whatlanguage is used at home, and/or what language is usedwhen talking with friends. This information is used toidentify students that speak a different language and getthem the appropriate instruction they need.Home Language SurveyPerformance-based assessments represent a set of strategiesthat are based on everyday tasks. I can used to assess orallanguage and academic skills. When using this assessment, it isimportant that the person know what is expected from thebeginning. Performance--based assessment can be things likeretelling a story orally or by drawing a picture, acting out a play,playing games, or having a conversation about a topic in wholegroup or small group settings. Performance-based assessmentsusually don't have just one answer so when grading, teachershave to sue their better judgement. Using a checklist or rubric isa good way to track students progress and can also be added tohis or her portfolio..Portfolios are a way for me to monitored a student's growth throughout the year.By collecting a mixture of students' work of a period of time can help me verifystudents achievements. Portfolios usually consist of a collection of the studentswork such as drawings, writing samples, worksheets, recorded presentations,formal and informal tests, and rubrics/checklists of performance task. It isimportant to have my ELL's involved in selecting what goes into his or herportfolio. By them helping me make selections, they can see his or her growthover the year and help them me develop down-to-earth goals.Authentic assessment is a for of assessment thatask students to complete a task by applying theknowledge and information they have learned.Emerging Bilinguals will definitely makegrammar errors when having a writingassignment. I have to make sure thatthe instructions and/or prompt for the writingassignment be clear and understanding.Analytical approach is usually the method teachersuse to evaluate ELL's writing. When using thismethod, I have to identify the differentfeatures of the written work and score each part.ELLs can benefit from a goodcomment on a writing assignment.The comment needs to target aparticular trait.There are several thing that I need to knowabout my students educational backgroundlike the how long have they been in school,what grade where they in, is there somethingmaybe religious base that will stop them fromattending school, and/or any health issuesassessing a ELL student. I have to make surethe test that I give is not bias.This form of assessments gives the students theability to show what they have learned as well ashelp me know if the student understand what hasbeen taught. I want my students to be able toconstruct his or her own correct meaning of whatthe skill is. By students completing severaldifferent task that are geared around the sameskills, that lets me know that have developed aunderstanding of that skill. I have always useddifferent task in my classroom to make sure thatmy students understood what I was teaching I justdid not know it had a name to it.By using authentic assessment with my ELL students orany of my students, I can immediately determine iflearning is taking place.Doppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen