Choose a correct word to form the correct compound word.
1. The people watched the fire_____ climb the ladder to put out the fire.
A. hero
B. market
C. fighter
D. player
2. The Chinese are good at using chop_____ when they eat.
A. board
B. pick
C. sticks
D. pork
3. Vina works as a _____giver. She takes care of an old lady.
A. love
B. care
C. sick
D. nurse
4. My sons love playing base_______ in the field every Saturday.
A. field
B. home
C. ball
D. goal
5. My father used a flash_______ when he went to our basement.
A. lamp
B. light
C. bowl
D. post
6. The dog____ is too big for my puppy Pepper.
A. show
B. fight
C. house
D. nap
7. Father found so many letters in our _____box today.
A. mail
B. container
C. match
D. big
8. The storm is so strong, so Mom told me to bring an umbrella and wear my ____coat.
A. wet
B. rain
C. new
D. water
9. Basket_____ is my brother’s favorite sport.
A. full
B. fly
10. We went up to our newly built _____house.
A. blue
B. haunted
C. plant
D. tree
Choose the open compound word in the sentence.