Erstellt von gina_evans0312
vor etwa 11 Jahre
Duty Ratio
No of Myosin types
Size of Myosin family core
Myosin Superfamily
Myosin 2
Myosin V- Direction of movement
Heavy/Light chains in Myosin V
Myosin V- Role of IQ motifs
Myosin V-No of IQ motifs
Myosin V-N-terminus Motor
Myosin V-Coiled coil neck
Myosin V-Lever Arm
Myosin V- Light chain 8
Myosin V- Converter Domain
Myosin V- Changes in converter domain are amplified by the
Myosin V- Length moved by each head
Myosin V- Length moved by cargo
Myosin V- Change in angle of motor arms (pre/post stroke)
Myosin V- Removal of one protein head
Myosin V- Movement Model
Myosin V- Duty Ratio
Myosin V- Monomer?
Myosin IV- Direction of Movement
Myosin IV- No of IQ motifs
Myosin IV- Chains
Myosin IV- Lever arm extension
Myosin IV- N-terminal
Myosin IV- Proximal tail
Myosin IV- Medial tail
Myosin IV- Distail tail
Myosin IV- C-terminus
Myosin IV- No of bound light chains
Myosin IV- Step size
Myosin IV- Role of light chains
Myosin IV- Adding Insert