Erstellt von Ana Luz
vor fast 9 Jahre
*to shine with low light and heat but usually without flame
*to shine with a steady light
to give out a gentle light, shine softly
to shine with light reflected off a wet surface
to shine with a light that seems to move slightly
to produce small flashes of light
to shine with bright points of light
to burn brightly but with an unsteady light and/or for a very short time
to be reflected off a surface
to send out beams of light or energy
To shine intensely and blindingly.
to cause (someone) to be unable to see especially from intense light
to shine or give off bright light suddenly or in repeated bursts
to burn or glow in an unsteady way : to produce an unsteady light
to shine in small bright flashes usually by reflection
to shine in a weak, faint, or unsteady way
to shine with an unsteady light or intermittently ; to produce small flashes of light