Myeloid stem cells develop into any type of cell except red blood cells
Erythrocytes take _ days to mature and have a life span of _ days
Of globin, amino acids and iron, which is passed out of the body as billirubin?
Amino acids
In which layer would the platelets and leukocytes be found?
How do you differentiate a R.B.C from a reticulocyte?
R.B.C's do not contain RNA
Reticulocytes don't have a nucleus
Reticulocytes have more Hb
Blood samples must be mixed before testing to imitate patient blood consistency
How does the principle of cell conducting work?
R.B.C's are poor conductors of electricity, and so when passing through an aperture will stop the current
R.B.C's are excellent conductors of electricity, and so when passing through an aperture will pass a current along
Large cells leave more of a gap
Large cells show a spike in current
Name the 4 main categories looked at when analysing blood disorders
g of Hb/L (HGB)
Mean cell Hb (MCH)
Mean cell volume (MCV)
Mean cell Hb Conc (MCC)
Male Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate- (Age + 10)/2
Which of the following can effect Hb counts (barring illness/deficiencies)?
City dweller
What is the key identifier of Normacytic Anaemia?
Normal red blood cells
Large red blood cells
Small red blood cells
Unusual loss of red blood cells
What is the normal range of HGB?
120-170 g/l
50-100 g/l
100-150 g/l
Which of the following is NOT a cause of Noramcytic A's?
Acute blood loss
Chronic disease
Renal failure
Iron deficiency
In N.A, the MCV is low and the HGB is normal
Why would a patient be given a bone marrow transplant instead of a transfusion in some cases of N.A's?
To replace lost blood
In the case of metastasis, to restore blood production
To prevent unusual R.B.C destruction
What are the two causes of microcytic anaemia?
B12 deficiency
Blood loss
Thalassaemia is a genetic abnormality that reduces iron absorption
How do you intenfidy Mi.A?
High HBG
Normal MCV
Which type of Microcytic A is shown here?
Iron deficient
B12 deficient
Pernicious anaemia
This is B12 deficient anaemia
Which of the following are symptoms of Iron Deficient Anaemia?
Indented 'Spoon' Nails
Flushed skin
When treating iron deficiency, you treat the underlying cause first
Which of the following is used when iron is dangerously low?
Oral ferrous sulphate
Iron injection
What is the definition of Anisocytosis
Size variation
Colour variation
Morphological variation
How do you test for the causes of Fe deficiency
Test serum ferratin
Test serum Fe
Check diet
Iron is supplied by circulating transferrin
The normal level of body iron is between 3-5g
Where is iron gained from?
The diet
Recycled red blood cells
Old proteins
Broken down muscle tissue
Regular transfusions can lead to iron overload
Fe deficiency can be caused by inadequate supply and...
Increased demand
Increased absorption
Liver problems