Erstellt von Courtney Judd
vor fast 9 Jahre
What are the three different kinds of partial reinforcement schedules?
What is a ratio schedule of reinforcement?
What are molar feedback functions?
What is molecular feedback?
What are fixed-ratio schedules?
What is a radio strain?
What is PRP?
Why do individuals switch to a run (steady rate of behavior after a PRP) on fixed ratio schedules?
What are variable-ratio schedules?
What is an interval schedule?
what is a fixed-interval schedule?
What is a variable-interval schedule?
What is a limited hold?
what is behavioral persistence?
How is behavioral persistence determined?
What is behavioral momentum?
On continuous reinforcement schedules, the bigger the reinforcer, ___
On partial schedules, large reinforcers ____
Free reinforcers during extinction do what?
Prior experience with extinction ___
Signaling the transition from acquisition to extinction ___
What is flooding?
What is implosion therapy?
What is the Partial Reinforcement Extinction Effect (PREE)
What are respondents?
what are operants?
What is operant conditioning of key pecking?
what is pavlovian conditioning of key pecking?
What is schedule-induced key pecking?
What is Theoretical Matching Law?
What is empirical matching law?
What are concurrent schedules of reinforcement?
What is Changeover Delay (COD)?
What is the problem of indiscriminate switching between alternative
What does B stand for
What does R stand for?
What is temporal discounting?
What are the empirical matching law requirements?
What is bias?
What is undermatching?
What is molar maximizing AKA optimization
What is momentary maximizing?
What does the rate of occurrence of a behavior depend on?
What is the significance of the matching laws?