Erstellt von Shaima Amanda
vor fast 11 Jahre
1. Cannot be given intravenously or intramuscularly, else it will cause severe hypotension and bradycardia.
2. Cannot cross blood-brain barrier.
3. Contraindicated during asthma, ulcer, hyperthyroidism or bradycardia
(Hint: parasympathomimetics)
1. Treats choline ester overdosage
1. Can cross blood brain barrier
2. Used in the treatment of glaucoma, and causes miosis and diaphoresis
3. Used as a sialagogue and hair lotion.
1. Reverses anticholinesterase within 5 minutes and is not a substrate of cholinesterase
2. Used in the diagnosis and treatment of myasthenia gravis.
3. Is an antidote for curare poisoning.
1. Can cross blood brain barrier and is used in the treatment of glaucoma, and reverse mydriatics (just like pilocarpine).
2. Can be taken orally
3. Is used as an antidote in atropine poisoning.
1. Cannot cross blood brain barrier.
2. Is used in the diagnosis and treatment of myasthenia gravis.
3. Causes paralytic ileum and retention of urine.
4. Antidote in Curare poisoning.
1. Organophosphorus.
2. Lipid insoluble.
3. Used in the treatment of glaucoma.
4. Lasts for 3-4 weeks.
1. Is used as a pre-anesthetic.
2. Causes mydriasis, cytoplegia, loss of light response,decreases sweating, lacrimation and all kinds of secretions and may cause flush.
3. Used to prevent synechiae.
Used in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
Controls seizures and convulsions
Cannot be used during prostatic hyperplasia and closed angle glaucoma as this particular drug increases the intraocular pressure.
1. Preferred pre-anesthetic drug.
2. Causes sedation and amnesia.
3. Used in the treatment of motion sickness.
Treatment of peptic ulcers and colics.
Used to reduce nocturnal eneuresis.
1. Cannot be taken orally and cannot pass the blood brain barrier.
2. It is used to delay the absorption of drugs given subcutaneously.
3. Causes decongestion, bronchodilation and increases heart rate.
Relaxes the uterus of pregnant women
In the treatment of open angle glaucoma
Causes hypertension, gangrene,headaches, cerebral hemorrhage, tachycardia, arrythmia, angina, and skeletal muscle tremors.
1. During spinal anesthesia and after sympathectomy.
2. Causes bradycardia, necrosis, sloughing, anxiety and headache.
3. Active mydriasis and contriction of sphincters.
Used in the treatment of heart failure, septic shock, cardiogenic shock and hemorrhagic shock.
Selective D1 receptors
Affects alpha 1, alpha 2, beta 1 and beta 2 receptors
Mainly affects alpha 1 receptors, and may interact with beta 1 too.
Interacts with D1 and D2 receptors in small dose, D1, D2, and B1 receptors in moderate dose AND D1, D2, A1 and B1 in high dose.
Non-selective Beta agonists. It is used in the treatment of acute heart block.
Relax wall of GIT, Urinary bladder & Uterus.
Skeletal Muscle Tremors.
Selective Beta- 1 agonists
It improves the rate of contractility with minimal tachycardia, and is used in the treatment of cardiogenic shock and heart blocks.
Used as a uterine relaxant during abortion, premature labor and dysmenorrhea.
Drugs that decrease the intraocular pressure while causing mydriasis, bronchodilation, bradycardia, constriction of sphincters, relieves nasal congestion and most importantly in Attention-deficit hyperkinetic disorder.
Selective alpha 1 agonists
Non selective alpha 1 and alpha 2 agonists
Selective alpha 1 blocker
Treat Benign Prostatic hyperplasia
Treat angina, arrythmia, heart failure and hypertension.
Beta blocker that is used to treat glaucoma
Beta blocker that is used to treat migraines
Selective Beta 2 blocker that is not used clinically
Ultrashort acting B-blocker. T-1/2 is 5 minutes