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Du hast 15 Minuten um die 12 Fragen in diesem Quiz zu beantworten.
What are the root letters of the word milla?
meem laam wow
meem laam laam
meem laam meem
meem laam hamza
What is the meaning of the word 'Milla'
What are the two types of people who leave the way of Ibraheem (alaihi salam)?
A person who turns away deliberately
A person who obeys Ibraheem AS.
A person who doesn't know.
A person who follows the way of the last prophet.
Why did Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) take Ibrahim (alayhimussalam) as his khalil?
Because he slaughtered the sheep.
Because he built the kabah.
Because of his complete submission.
Because he submitted in some things and not in others.
The way to success is the way of Ibrahim (alayhi Salam) way of the Jews is not the way of the last Prophet( way of Ibrahim (alayhi Salam), way of the Jews, is not the way of the last Prophet )
What are the root letters of the word 'Hadar'
haa raa raa
daud haa raa
haa daud raa
haa daud daud
What is the meaning of the word 'Hadar?
passing on information
important instruction that a person gives to another at the time of his death.
to be present
Why does Yacoub (alayhi salam) say, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) chose this deen for you?
to remind his sons in case they forgot.
to make his sons realise what a huge blessing the deen is and not everyone is given this blessing.
to realise the importance of forefathers.
How can a person make sure that he doesn't die when he's not a Muslim?
By making sure his forefathers are righteous.
By reciting the kalimah 2000 times.
By living as a Muslim throughout his life because the way you live is the way you die.
By only obeying Yacoub (alayhi salam)
Ibrahim (alayhi salam) was the grandfather father uncle great grandfather( grandfather, father, uncle, great grandfather ) of Yacoub (alayhi salam).
Conveying the deen to our family should be done in a strict and harsh manner.
We are safe in the hereafter if our ancestors are righteous.