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Project Mngt Chapter 6 Test Questions

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Project Mngt Chapter 6

Frage 1 von 60


Team building and conflict management skills are two of the most important people skills that project managers can cultivate.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: TRUE


Frage 2 von 60


The first step in assembling a project team is to talk to potential team members.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: FALSE


Frage 3 von 60


If preferred project team members are not available, the project manager should notify top management of the consequences.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: TRUE


Frage 4 von 60


Project managers are best able to promote a sense of enthusiasm within the project team when they create an environment that is challenging, supportive, and personally rewarding.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: TRUE


Frage 5 von 60


High turnover among project team members is a key element of success since new team members will bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the group.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: FALSE


Frage 6 von 60


Project team productivity is at its peak during the norming phase of group development.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: FALSE


Frage 7 von 60


The punctuated equilibrium model suggests that groups spend the majority of their time in stasis.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: TRUE


Frage 8 von 60


Cross-functional cooperation directly influences both the actual implementation of the project and the team members' assessment that the project experience was worthwhile.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: TRUE


Frage 9 von 60


In general, a superordinate goal is a replacement goal for the goals of all functional groups involved in the project.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: FALSE


Frage 10 von 60


Accessibility is the perception of the project team members that they are physically located in such a way that it is easy for them to interact.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • T/F

  • Answer: FALSE


Frage 11 von 60


Project management people skills include:
A) team building.
B) scheduling.
C) budgeting.
D) project evaluation.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 12 von 60


The first step in assembling a project team is to:
A) talk to potential team members.
B) identify the required skills.
C) negotiate with the functional supervisor.
D) notify top management.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 13 von 60


Which two steps of project team building are out of sequence?
A) You always identify skills before you identify people.
B) You always negotiate with the functional supervisor before you negotiate with top management.
C) You always negotiate with the functional supervisor before you talk to potential team members.
D) You always identify personnel before you talk to potential team members.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 14 von 60


A project manager can identify the skills needed for the project from the:
A) departmental personnel listings.
B) project budget.
C) stakeholder meeting.
D) work breakdown structure.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 15 von 60


Most project resources are negotiated with:
A) project managers.
B) potential team members.
C) top management.
D) external stakeholders.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 16 von 60


If a functional manager will not release the resources you need as project manager, your best course of action is to:
A) adjust project schedules and priorities accordingly.
B) try to negotiate for partial assistance.
C) notify top management of the consequences.
D) update your resume.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 17 von 60


With a failure to secure personnel releases from functional managers, a project manager should:
A) proceed as originally planned.
B) abandon the project.
C) adjust schedules and scope documents.
D) relinquish project leader status.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 18 von 60


A key determinant of project success is a:
A) rapidly assembled team.
B) slowly assembled team.
C) project leader voted on by the team.
D) clear project mission.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 19 von 60


The best source of troubleshooting for problems is the:
A) project team.
B) project manager.
C) project customer.
D) project champion.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 20 von 60


Productive interdependencies hinge upon:
A) the project manager's role as the hub of the team with all team members as spokes.
B) the degree of knowledge the team members have and the importance they attach to interrelatedness of efforts.
C) the cohesiveness of the project team's supply chain and the degree of assistance they render the project team.
D) the support the key stakeholders offer to the overall project success.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 21 von 60


The study group that Philip had formed in his first MBA class had gotten him through his management science course; of that there could be no question. Now as he neared the end of his MBA he reflected on how team members had chosen courses together each semester, keeping the study group intact and keeping themselves one step ahead of their classmates. His MBA project team had:
A) trust coming out of their ears.
B) cohesiveness in spades.
C) an overabundance of enthusiasm.
D) a plethora of results orientation.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 22 von 60


Trust based on a person's competence would be summarized by this team member's affectionate statement towards another team member:
A) "I trust you to honor your commitments."
B) "Does it feel right to allow you to make this decision?"
C) "I trust you to be able to accomplish this task."
D) "I trust you to do the right thing."

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 23 von 60


The key to creating the energy and spirit that drives effective project efforts is:
A) results orientation.
B) trust.
C) cohesiveness.
D) enthusiasm.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 24 von 60


The semester project was due at 8:00 a.m. the next day and as the sun rose swiftly in the east, the team of four graduating seniors held their collective breath. If their database project worked (and why wouldn't it, they had begun early yesterday afternoon) they would complete their quest and graduate in a week with their shiny diplomas in MIS. Their drive to finish the project with A quality work was clear testament to their:
A) results orientation.
B) trust.
C) cohesiveness.
D) enthusiasm.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 25 von 60


Cletus thought they were draining the swamp, but Ace was convinced they were better off building a bridge across it. Their project team was doomed to failure owing to their:
A) poorly defined team roles.
B) unclear goals.
C) lack of motivation.
D) poorly defined team interdependencies.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 26 von 60


All of the members of the ladies' circle were horrified when each of them arrived at the parish hall with 20 gallons of potato salad. It was all quite delicious but wasn't the well-balanced spread they customarily set out. The potato salad disaster of '89 was passed from generation to generation along with a stern warning to:
A) make sure that every team member is motivated.
B) make sure that project goals are clear.
C) make sure that project team roles are clear.
D) make sure that turnover is low.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 27 von 60


The department chair had allotted plenty of time for all department (and project) members to prepare sections of their five-year program review. Administration demanded no less than 50 pages be devoted to a thorough and thoughtful review of activities and goals. What happened to the report was anybody's guess; no one had actually seen one or ever heard back from administration once they had submitted it. Most of the project team members thought the report was immediately sent to the steam tunnels running underneath the campus or perhaps it would sit collecting dust as part of a make-work program to justify an assistant VP's job. No wonder that team meetings were poorly attended and that all the sections of the report were filled with trite phrases and wide margins. This team suffers from:
A) tenure.
B) poorly developed goals.
C) poorly defined team interdependencies.
D) lack of motivation.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 28 von 60


The Dean's laissez faire attitude hit its zenith when he had missed five department chair meetings in a row despite the pressing needs of the MBA Curriculum Revision Team. No one was sure what to do so they did nothing, and the MBA program remained as it had always been as the revision team slunk back to their offices. If only there had been:
A) better leadership, the project might have succeeded.
B) less turnover among project members, the project might have succeeded.
C) a clear goal, the project might have succeeded.
D) more motivation among team members, the project might have succeeded.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 29 von 60


The project team's office needed a revolving door to facilitate the influx and outflow of personnel. Team members needed name tags to keep track of who was who and what their duties were. The project was jeopardized by:
A) poor leadership.
B) high turnover.
C) lack of team motivation.
D) poor communication among team members.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 30 von 60


Disruptive acts of some project team members due to personality issues, hidden agendas, or interpersonal problems are categorized as:
A) poor communication.
B) lack of motivation.
C) dysfunctional behavior.
D) poor leadership.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 31 von 60


Team members get to know each other in the:
A) adjourning stage of group development.
B) storming stage of group development.
C) performing stage of group development.
D) forming stage of group development.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 32 von 60


Conflict begins as team members begin to resist authority and demonstrate hidden agendas and prejudices in the:
A) storming stage of group development.
B) performing stage of group development.
C) forming stage of group development.
D) norming stage of group development.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 33 von 60


Everyone in the Tagi tribe agreed to vote out Gervasse at the next tribal council. Their 39-day project to make it to the final four together was two steps away from completion. This project group is in the:
A) storming stage of group development.
B) performing stage of group development.
C) forming stage of group development.
D) norming stage of group development.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 34 von 60


It appeared that everyone on the project team was finally on board; Jim would bring the doughnuts to all team meetings and Jenny would make the coffee. Fully caffeinated and on a sugar high, the team was coming together and fully committed to the project development process. The team was now planted firmly in the:
A) storming stage of group development.
B) forming stage of group development.
C) norming stage of group development.
D) performing stage of group development.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 35 von 60


"Our work here is done," the project leader shouted as he surveyed the scene. "Go home and reflect on what you've accomplished and I'll see you at the world premiere, once we're all immortalized in a feature length movie." This project team is in the:
A) forming stage of group development.
B) norming stage of group development.
C) performing stage of group development.
D) adjourning stage of group development.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 36 von 60


The role of the team leader is to create structure and set the tone for future cooperation and positive team attitudes in the:
A) forming stage of group development.
B) norming stage of group development.
C) performing stage of group development.
D) adjourning stage of group development.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 37 von 60


The forming stage of group development is sometimes called the:
A) storming stage.
B) foundering stage.
C) newbie stage.
D) jehosephat stage.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 38 von 60


An unwritten rule of behavior is a(n):
A) law.
B) codicil.
C) norm.
D) ethic.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 39 von 60


Gersick's model for team development rejects the standard model in favor of something called:
A) forming-storming-norming-performing-adjourning.
B) directed chaos.
C) the golden rule.
D) punctuated equilibrium.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 40 von 60


The punctuated equilibrium model of team development says that:
A) cataclysmic events promote growth after long periods of no change.
B) change occurs as the team leader insists upon it.
C) there can be no equilibrium until suffering has occurred.
D) if team members are punctual, the project can achieve equilibrium.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 41 von 60


The trigger point of the punctuated equilibrium model occurs:
A) during the second meeting.
B) halfway between the first meeting and the deadline.
C) when the project is 20% complete.
D) when the project is 80% complete.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 42 von 60


The two sets of factors that contribute to cross-functional cooperation influence:
A) criticality and accessibility.
B) functionality and outcomes.
C) cooperation and outcomes.
D) cooperation and criticality.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 43 von 60


Which of these factors does NOT influence cross-functional cooperation?
A) accessibility
B) physical proximity
C) rules and procedures
D) self-efficacy

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 44 von 60


What are psychosocial outcomes as contained in the cross-functional cooperation model?
A) the emotional and psychological effects that strong performance will have on the project team
B) the psychopathic behaviors exhibited by members of the project team in a social setting
C) the psychomotor skills needed to complete many of the tasks by members of the project team
D) the psychological profile of introversion/extroversion and intuitive/sensing that determine how team members interact with each other

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 45 von 60


An overall goal or purpose that is important to all functional groups involved, but whose attainment requires the resources and efforts of more than one group, is a(n):
A) superordinate goal.
B) means goal.
C) end goal.
D) field goal.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 46 von 60


Cross-functional cooperation directly affects both:
A) superordinate goals and psychosocial outcomes.
B) psychosocial outcomes and task outcomes.
C) task outcomes and self-actualization.
D) self-actualization and superordinate goals.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 47 von 60


The formalized processes established by organizations that mandate or control activities of project team members are represented by:
A) the physical proximity factor in the cross-functional cooperation model.
B) the accessibility factor in the cross-functional cooperation model.
C) the rules and procedures factor in the cross-functional cooperation model.
D) the superordinate goals factor in the cross-functional cooperation model.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 48 von 60


"Loose Cannon" Buchanan said and did whatever he wanted, which was usually at odds with the behavior of the rest of the business faculty. An appropriate mechanism for bringing him into alignment with the rest of the team is:
A) issuing superordinate goals.
B) creating a formalized set of rules.
C) making sure he was in close proximity to the rest of the faculty.
D) have the team adopt his aberrant behavioral patterns.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 49 von 60


The design team's location in one centralized cube farm made it convenient for them to interact with each other and overhear conversations that they had something to contribute to, proving once again the value of:
A) accessibility.
B) rules and procedures.
C) superordinate goals.
D) physical proximity.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 50 von 60


Even though he was an assistant director with the county, Keith loosened his tie and waded into the raw, untreated sewage with the rest of the project team. As they stood there together in the quagmire of mud and feces, the team members found Keith less intimidating and his:
A) accessibility was at an all-time high. Surely the cross-functional cooperation of the team would soon peak.
B) proximity was at an all-time high. Surely the cross-functional cooperation of the team would soon peak.
C) equanimity was at an all-time high. Surely the cross-functional cooperation of the team would soon peak.
D) task orientation was at an all-time high. Surely the cross-functional cooperation of the team would soon peak.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 51 von 60


Cooperation influences this factor that is involved in the actual implementation of the project and is known as:
A) project results.
B) task outcomes.
C) work packages.
D) work breakdown structure.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 52 von 60


Which of these terms is most likely associated with task outcomes?
A) satisfying endeavor
B) worthwhile experience
C) project schedule
D) productive use of time

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 53 von 60


Which of these terms is most likely associated with psychosocial outcomes?
A) achieved technical requirements
B) worthwhile experience
C) schedule maintained
D) completed on time

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 54 von 60


The fact that a project experience was worthwhile and satisfying means that the project scored high on:
A) ego fulfillment.
B) self-actualization.
C) psychosocial outcomes.
D) id.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 55 von 60


Flexibility, creativity, and pragmatism are three keys to:
A) making the project team as tangible as possible.
B) developing a personal touch.
C) creating a virtual team.
D) rewarding good behavior.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 56 von 60


Which of these approaches is NOT a research-based approach for building a high performing team?
A) Set tight deadlines and then relax them.
B) Make the project team as tangible as possible.
C) Reward good behavior.
D) Develop a personal touch.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A


Frage 57 von 60


The use of electronic media including e-mail, internet, and teleconferencing to link geographically dispersed members creates a(n):
A) electronic team.
B) virtual team.
C) telegenic team.
D) cyber team.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: B


Frage 58 von 60


The two main challenges for virtual teams include:
A) maintaining autonomy.
B) automating monotony.
C) building trust.
D) the bullwhip effect.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: C


Frage 59 von 60


Virtual teams are often slowed down by difficulty with:
A) superordinate goals.
B) task reliance.
C) punctuated equilibrium.
D) communication.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: D


Frage 60 von 60


A splendid way to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of virtual teams is to:
A) have them meet face-to-face.
B) restrict team members to audio communication only.
C) mandate audio and video in all electronic communication.
D) use e-mail most of the time since the printed word is rarely misinterpreted.

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • M/C

  • Answer: A
