What is 1 weakness of the social approach?
It has real-life relevance
Studying behaviour can be unethical
Experiments in this approach lack control
It has too many applications that aren't useful to society.
What is 1 overview of the social approach?
Human behaviour is influenced by others
Being social is very healthy
Being social is influenced by your childhood
Being social is influenced by your genes.
What 1 of these core studies are related to the psychodynamic perspective?
Baron-Cohen et al. (autism)
Loftus and Palmer (eyewitness testimony)
Sperry (split brain)
Freud (Little Hans)
Why can some studies under the individual differences approach be said to be unethical?
They have the tendency to label people as being different
Freud's study only had 1 participant
Participants are rarely debriefed
Participants usually get injured
What is the most common experimental setting used for studies under the cognitive area?
Quasi experiment
Field experiment
Lab experiment
Natural observation
Which 1 of these studies are related to the behaviourist perspective?
Milgram (obedience)
Bandura, Ross and Ross (aggression)
Which 1 of these describes the biological approach?
It explains behavior by focusing on the function of the brain and nervous system
Biology is key to evolution
The biological approach contains studies that are not ethical
The biological approach is not as useful as the social approach
Why is ethics a problem for studies located under the social area?
People are very sensitive to social issues
It is difficult to study social behaviour without negatively affecting the participants
Most of the participants are too young
There is ethnocentrism in these studies
What is determinism in psychology?
Our behaviour is controlled by our genes
Behaviour can be broken down into constituent parts
When we are determined to do something
Behaviour is due to others
Which 1 of the following describes the main overview of the developmental approach?
Human behaviour is influenced by genes
Most people develop slowly
Human development is an interaction between nature and nurture
Human behaviour can be studied effectively through the use of apparatus