Erstellt von Molly Bradbury
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
How are organisms classified?
Define the term species
Are the following organisms the same species? Explain your answer.
Felix paradalis and Felix rufus
What is the binomial naming system and why do scientists name orgnisms in this way?
List the 5 kingdoms.
What is an arthropod? Give examples
Energy is lost in a food chian by:
Define these key term;
1. Trophic level
2. Producer
3. Primary consumer
4. Secondary consumer
A pyramid of numbers show...
A pyramid of biomass shows...
What is the difference between natural and artificial classification?
What are the problems of classification?
How does DNA sequencing lead to changes in classification?
The calculation to work out efficiency of energy transfer is:
Problems with constructing pyramids of biomass include:
How is carbon dioxide removed from the air? Can you write the word equation for this?
Name 3 ways that CO2 is released back into the atmosphere.
Why cant nitrogen be used directly by plants and why do plants need nitrates?
Name 2 elements that are recycled
Explain why it takes longer to recycle nutrients in;
Waterlogged soil
Acidic soil
What percentage of the air is nitrogen?
What breaks down nitrogen compounds in dead organisms?
List 4 things that organisms compete for.
What does each organism get for their mutualistic relationship;
Define the term parasite.
Outline the role of limestone in the carbon cycle.
What are the roles of the following bacteria in the nitrogen cycle;
1. Soil bacteria
2. Nitrifying bacteria
3. Denitrifying bacteria
Define the term 'ecological niche' and give an example.
Pea plants and Rhizobium bacteria in root noudules have a mutalistic relationship. What does each gain from their relationship?
Whats the difference between interspecific and intraspecific competition and which is the most significant and why?
Label on key features of a predator.
- Fox
Label on key features of prey.
- Rabbit
Label on adaptations to living in cold habitats.
- Polar bear
What are animal adaptations?
What are Extremophiles?
Give 2 examples of organisms that are adapted to extreme environments with how they are adapted.
Whats the difference between a specialist and a generalist?
Why dont penguins feet freeze?
Who is this famous scientist and can you outlie his theory of natural selection?
Can you explain why the different coloured peppered moth thrive in different environments?
What was Lamarck,s theory and why has it been discredited?
What is antibotic resistance and why could it become a problem?
What causes acid rain and why is it a problem?
The human population is growing .........
This means that birth rate is ...... than ...... rate.
Can you name indicator species that live in;
- unpolluted areas
- polluted areas
List reasons why organisms can become extinct;
Why are whales hunted?
How can habitats be conserved?
What is sustainable development?
Two examples;
Define carbon footprint.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using indicator species as a measure of pollution.
Explain why a species is at risk of extinction if there is little genetic variation.
Why do we want to do research on whales?