Erstellt von Jenna Lehmann
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
What is the Psychoanalytic/dynamic view of the cause and treatment of depression?
There are two integrative models focusing on behavioral influences. What does the first one believe is the cause and treatment of depression?
There are two integrative models focusing on behavioral influences. What does the second one believe is the cause and treatment of depression?
What does the integrative model with cognitive influences have to say about the cause and treatment of depression?
What does the integrative model with biological influences have to say about the cause and treatment of depression?
How does stress relate to depression?
What is an internal attribution versus an external attribution?
What is a stable attribution versus an unstable attribution?
What is a global attribution versus a specific attribution?
When evaluating bad outcomes, what three attributions would lead to a pessimistic attribution style (the style that could be linked to depression)?
What social and cultural influences could affect depression?
What is the neurological explanation for depression? Include the neurotransmitters involved.
What could be the result of an Overactive HPA Axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal)?
What are the 4 different types of medications prescribed to those with depression?
What are the 3 options for medication for those with bipolar disorder?
What are the two main criteria for major depression?
What are the two main criteria for Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthmia)?
What are the requirements for Bipolar I disorder?
What are the three requirements of Bipolar II disorder?
What are the four requirements of Cyclothymic Disorder?
What does it mean in terms of Bipolar Disorder to rapid cycle?
Why might women be more likely to experience depression?