Erstellt von Joe Allen
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
What are Levitas' (1998) MUD, RED and SID?
What is 'passive welfare'?
What is 'active welfare'?
Give three values that the Third Way emphasises
What was the 'windfall tax'?
Which age group was the Welfare to Work scheme aimed at?
Give four options for those on the Welfare to Work programme
What happened to those who refused to participate in the Welfare to Work scheme?
Give one criticism from Sinclair (2006)
Give three criticisms from Bartholomew (2006)
What was the Social Exclusion Unit?
In what year was the minimum wage introduced?
Describe the targets set for child poverty
Were child benefits raised or lowered under New Labour?
Which two budgets provided extra resources for disadvantaged areas?
Give two advantages of Foundation trusts
Give one criticism of Foundation Status
Which sector is the 'Welfare to Work' scheme at risk of under-valuing?
According to Page (2002), by how much did government policies reduce child poverty?
According to Goodman et al. (2003), how many pensioners were lifted out of poverty under New Labour?
What did New Labour introduce for pensioners and children?
To whom was the child tax credit paid?
According to Page (2005), what did the Gini coefficient indicate about income inequality under New Labour?
According to Hills and Stewart (2005) what was the trend for relative poverty under New Labour?
What is the Family Intervention Project?
Which families were targeted by the Family Intervention Project?
What was the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy?
According to the Department for Education (2011), what proportion of families made significant improvement with the Family Intervention Project?
According to official statistics from 2011, by what proportion did anti-social behaviour decrease for families who worked with the Family Intervention Project?
According to the Department for Social Development (2014), name two positive effects of the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy
According to Levitas (1998), which two discourses did Labour emphasise?