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Cold War Quiz am Cold War Summary pg2, erstellt von lewisjameshill am 26/01/2014.

Erstellt von lewisjameshill vor etwa 11 Jahre

Cold War Summary pg2

Frage 1 von 20


The USSR was highly suspicious of what Pre World War Two

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • The build up of the US army

  • An anti Russian make up of the US congress

  • Chamberlain's appeasement, most notably Czechoslovakia, believing it was designed to shift Hitler's focus to the East rather than the West

  • British and French expansionism in W Europe


Frage 2 von 20


When was the Nazi Soviet Pact

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • January 1939

  • June 1939

  • April 1939

  • August 1939


Frage 3 von 20


Harry S Truman said which of the following?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • "If we see that Germany is winning the war we ought to help Russia but if Russia is winning the war we ought to help Germany, and that way we reduce the amount of casualties in the war on all sides"

  • "If we see that Germany is winning the war we ought to help Russia but if Russia is winning the war we ought to help Germany, and that way we let them kill as many as possible"

  • "If we see that Germany is winning the war we ought to help Russia but if Russia is winning the war we ought to help Russia because they are our ally and we must stand up to fascism "

  • "If we see that Germany is winning the war we ought to help Russia but if we are winning the war we ought to help Germany, and that way we let them kill as many as possible"


Frage 4 von 20


When did Harry Truman say the quote "If we see that Germany is winning..."

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 1939

  • 1940

  • 1941

  • 1942


Frage 5 von 20


This view reflected the opinion of who?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Roosevelt and the US senate

  • Roosevelt and the US public

  • Just Roosevelt

  • Just the US public


Frage 6 von 20


When was Nazi Germany defeated?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 30th May 1945

  • 30th April 1945

  • 30th June 1945

  • 30th July 1945


Frage 7 von 20


When was the Tehran conference?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • November 1943

  • November 1944

  • June 1944

  • June 1943


Frage 8 von 20


What is true of the Tehran conference?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Gave the chance of potential agreement, showed it was possible. Second front not agreed but broad agreement over Poland and Germany.

  • Gave no indication that there would be any agreement. No agreements made.

  • The Second front date was agreed along with broad agreement over Poland and Germany. Showed that agreement was possible

  • Demonstrated that neither side would make concessions over Poland and Germany. But did agree second front.


Frage 9 von 20


When was the Yalta Conference

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Poland and Germany were real issues but democratic elections were agreed in Poland by Stalin. Roosevelt accepted the need for reparations and assistance was offered in the war against Japan.

  • Poland and Germany were neigh on agreed on. Democratic elections in Poland were promised. Reparations payments were acknowledged as necessary by the US.

  • Poland and Germany were not agreed but agreement came close. No agreements made over reparations or over the war against Japan.

  • Poland and Germany were fully agreed over. There was no need for further discussion on other issues as they had been previously settled.


Frage 10 von 20


Just three weeks after Yalta what happened?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Stalin declared that elections in Poland were impossible

  • Stalin declared that he would not assist the US against Japan

  • Stalin ordered the arrest of Polish officials and intellectual and accused the west of preparing separate peace with Nazi high command

  • Stalin ordered the arrest of Polish officials and intellectual and accused the west of deliberately sabotaging any deal


Frage 11 von 20


When did Roosevelt die?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 12th May 1945

  • 12th April 1945

  • 12th June 1945

  • 12th July 1945


Frage 12 von 20


Truman insisted what about any agreement

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • They would be based around the Yalta accords

  • They would be based around the Atlantic charter (1941). Based on ideals of self determination and free elections

  • There would be little unless Russia accepted US demands over Poland and Germany

  • That the US would not be involved with a communist enemy


Frage 13 von 20


When was the Potsdam conference?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • January 1945

  • March 1945

  • August 1945

  • July 1945


Frage 14 von 20


Which of the following is accurate?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Churchill sent a telegram to Truman indicating an iron curtain on 12th May 1945 & this was echoed in his speech in Missouri on 5th March 1946

  • Churchill sent a telegram to Truman indicating an iron curtain on 12th August 1945 & this was echoed in his speech in Missouri on 5th March 1946

  • Churchill sent a telegram to Truman indicating an iron curtain on 12th May 1945 & this was echoed in his speech in Missouri on 5th April 1946

  • Churchill sent a telegram to Truman indicating an iron curtain on 12th May 1945 & this was echoed in his speech in Michigan on 5th March 1946


Frage 15 von 20


In April 1950 the National Security Agency said what?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • " there is no threat posed by the USSR"

  • "the USSR's aim is nothing less than absolute authority over the rest of the World"

  • "the USSR want to destroy the US"

  • "we cannot make concessions against Soviet aggression"


Frage 16 von 20


Events that caused tension including the Spanish Civil War & Soviet invasion of Finland

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 1935 & 1940

  • 1936 & 1940

  • 1937 & 1941

  • 1937 & 1940


Frage 17 von 20


The Soviet Union rejected what in 1946

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Baruch proposals to limit nuclear weapons

  • Baruch proposals to limit conventional arms

  • US cooperation treaty

  • Chinese mutual defence treaty


Frage 18 von 20


However Stalin's belief in "Socialism in one country" showed...

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • A desire to expand

  • A commitment to World revolutoon

  • A lack of expansionist intent

  • A desire to cooperate with other communists countries


Frage 19 von 20


When was the Comintern disbanded?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 1941

  • 1942

  • 1943

  • 1944


Frage 20 von 20


Stalin said "we do this or they crush us" when and in relation to what

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • 1931 & 5yr plans

  • 1941 & 5yr plans

  • 1940 & the commencement of a nuclear weapon

  • 1945 & the commencement of a nuclear weapon
