Erstellt von Georgina Burchell
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
Are Anions positively or negatively charged?
Name three things that make a neuron special?
What mV is resting potential?
What are ion channels?
The neuron shows selective permeability to...
What two forces drive ion movement?
Why is the inside of the cell more negative?
How does the sodium potassium pump work? When is it activated?
Explain why some K+ ions move in and some move out during resting potential.
When is equilibrium reached?
What is hyperpolarization? What does this do to the membrane potential?
What is depolarization? What does it do to the membrane potential?
Expain two properties of a hyperpolarizing stimulus
What is threshold potential? What does an action potential do to membrane potential?
Where do action potentials originate?
Name 3 properties of an action potential
What ion produces an action potential? What is the Na+ equilibrium potential (in mV)?
How is resting potential restored?
Absolute refractory phase
Relative refractory phase
What does 'regenerated' refer to?
Why can action potentials only go in one direction?
What do nodes of ranvier do?
What is the myelin sheath made of?
What is conduction velocity
What is a excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)
How do neurons know if they should fire?
Two things that will effect whether an action potential occurs
What did Otto Loewi discover in 1936?
How does an action potential chemically pass over a synapse
How does the neurotransmitter leave the synaptic cleft?
What are ligands?
Two types of ligands
What are agonists?
What are antagonists?
Describe a ionotropic receptor
Describe a metabotropic receptor