Erstellt von allisten cooper
vor fast 9 Jahre
identify 4 common diseases of the respiratory system
describe a term that can be used to identify all diseases of the respiratory system
What are the symptoms associated with all COPDS?
What are the risk factors/ common causes of COPD?
Most of the individuals who have COPD (about 90% of them) have smoked.
IDENTIFY 4 chemicals found in cigarette smoke that is responsible for this fact.
1. (a) Explain how the first chemical is related to a named COPD
(b) DIAGNOSE the disease represented by the picture in the following flashcard explaining what has occured
2. Explain how the second chemical from flashcard (5) is related to a named COPD
3. Explain how the third chemical from flashcard (5) is related to a named COPD
fully explain what is nicotine (C10H14N2) and its effects as a COPD