Erstellt von Khulangoo Amgala
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
as easy as pie
be sick and tired of
bend over backwards
change one's mind
cut it out
figure something out
in ages
give a hand
hit the hay
once in a while
to get the ball rolling
up to the minute
all of a sudden
/am is are/ all ears
a cinch
cost an arm and a leg
to cram
fresh out of something
to get it
got a minute?
drive someone up a wall
to hang on
hard headed
have mixed feelings about something
head out for
How come?
keep in touch
miss the boat
next to nothing
Cat in gloves catches no mice
East or West - home is best
Every man to his taste
Evil communications corrupt good manners
Fair without, foul within
Neither fish nor flesh
One man, no man
Sound mind in a sound body
When at Rome, do as the Romans do
To rob one's belly to cover one's back
To add fuel to the fire
The pot calls the kettle black