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 ELeanor Turner
Mindmap von , erstellt am more than 1 year ago

GCSE Biology Mindmap am B1.3 The use and abuse of drugs, erstellt von ELeanor Turner am 08/05/2016.

 ELeanor Turner
Erstellt von ELeanor Turner vor mehr als 8 Jahre
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B1.3 The use and abuse of drugsDrugsExtensively tested andtrialledTested in thelab1st stage: cells,tissues2nd stage: liveanimalsClinical trials3rd stage: healthyvolunteers4th stage: patients with theillnessLow dosage atstartSlowlyincreasedTest for sideeffectsOptimum dosage foundLeast sideeffects5th stage: blind clinical trials- patients split into twogroupsOne group given the real drug,another given a placeboAllows for placeboeffectPatient expects drug to workso feels better, even if the'drug' is doing nothingPlaceboSubstance like the drug beingtested but doesn't doanythingSometimes trials are doubleblindPatient nor doctor knows which is theplaceboFor toxicity, efficacy anddoseThalidomideIntended as a sleeping pillFound effective against morning sicknessHas not been tested on pregnant womenMany babies born with severe limb abnormalitiesDrug bannedResulted in morerigorous drugtestingNow used to treat other diseasesLeprosyLegal and illegal drugsMedicinalRecreationalPerformance enhancingSome require prescriptionMorphineSome do notParacetamolUsed for funLegalIllegalAlcoholNicotineEcstasyCannabisHeroinImprove an athlete'sperformance in sportAnabolic steroidsStimulantsIncrease heart rateIncrease muscle sizeSome illegal, some prescribedAll banned from sporting bodiesCan lead tohigh bloodpressureArguments againstArguments forAthletes can make their own decisionsSport is not fair anyway,different training facilities etcUnfairAthletes may not have beeninformed about the risksCan cause mental health problemsAddictiveConsidered a gateway drugAll three can causeheart and circulatoryproblemsCancerAddictionDisease ofheart andlungsSlowsreactionsLiver diseaseBrain damageThe overall impact of legal drugs isStatinsLower risk of heart and circulatory diseasesAlso lower blood cholesterolAnd risk of heart disease in diabetic patientsMuch greater than the impact of illegal drugsMore people use themHave negative effects on economy and societyEffects of drugsChange body chemistryResults inBecoming addictedIf addicts do not take the drug they haveWithdrawal symptomsDoppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen