Erstellt von Monica Gonzalez
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
What is the normal range of potassium (K+) in the blood?
Name some antiplatelet medications?
If a patient has a high creatinine, what should you consider?
How does heparin prevent clot formation?
What is the action of Reopro (Abcixmab)
INR measures the levels of which drug?
Lovenox impacts what?
What is the medication of choice for SVT?
What short acting benzodiazepine is commonly used in the cath lab for sedation?
What is a quick and easy way to check a patients clotting time after being given heparin?
How do Ticlid & Plavix act?
If a patient is on NPH Insulin, what medication should not be given?
What does ASA (aspirin) do?
TPA acts by?
What labs look at kidney function?
The most accurate measure of cardiac muscle fiber damage after an MI is what?
Which lab value does not evaluate the extent of an MI?
Serum Creatinine
Post procedure renal dysfunction is more likely to occur in patients with?
What is a pseudoaneurysm?
If the transducer is positioned to low at the side of the table, the pt.'s pressure will read?
If you are checking the radial/ulner pulse when you press and release one at a time is called what kind of test?
What is the best way to calculate a patients pulse rate?
If the patients IV site is infiltrated, what should you do?
Metabolic Acidosis has a low level of what?
A pH less than 7.35 or greater than 7.45 is called what?
What would be the appropriate intervention for a patient with Respiratory Acidosis?
The primary drive to breathe comes for the patients?
Hyperventilating a patient prior to suctioning is done to?
Interpret the following blood gas
PH = 7.25
CO2 = 60
HCO = 22
A high CO2 will impact the pH how?
What type of intervention is best used for a calcified lesion?
What type of ballon is best used on a calcified lesion?
The symptoms of increased heart rate, decreased BP, and SOB during a biopsy, indicates what?
What diagnostic catheter is best utilized for visualizing the LAD when the patient has a dilated aortic root?
2.66mm diameter is what size catheter?
What device uses saline to dissolve and suction thrombus during and acute MI?
During a Rotoblador intervention, what is the most common cause of "no flow"?
Where does the needle enter for a pericardialcentesis?
What is a possible complication of over tightening the toughy?
If a patient has a heart rate of 150, assist on the IABP should be set at what ?
What is the best balloon to use on an artery that has a tendency to close?
Jugular Vein distention can be caused by?
Shortness of breath indicates right or left sided heart failure?
Ventricular arrhythmia are most common during the injection of which coronary artery?
Osmolality refers to the ability of the contrast to?
The ideal contrast volume to be given to the patient is?
Synchronous (demand) pacemakers have what unique ability?
In order, the first three letters of the pacemakers code mean what?
The purpose of Biventricular pacemakers is to?
The purpose of ICD's is to?
In the terms in RAO and LAO, the L and R refer to what?
What is the best view to see the LAD and Circ bifurcation?
On an EKG, what shows a "true" posterior Infarct?
What catheter does an Internal Mammary catheter resemble?
If the pt has a dilated aortic root, which catheter might you need to cannulate the right coronary system?
In a routine PTCA, what might be some complications caused by the handling of the wire?
What does RAD stand for?
The most important factor in decreasing XRAY exposure to a patient is to?
What is the max dose of radiation a worker can receive in a year?
What converts the XRAY to light rays?
What is the best choice of catheter to use on a LCA with a high take off?
To view pulmonary stenosis, where do you inject the contrast?
Pulimonic stenosis in generally associated with what?
What is the normal PR interval?
If the PR interval is .25, where is the delay?
What is the normal amount of blood in the pericardium?
When are the coronary arteries perfused?
In what condition do you get the equalization of LVEDP and RVEDP?
Where is the most common renal stenosis located?
Greatest % of peripheral stenosis occurs where?
What will cause failure to capture of pacemaker in the RV?
You have a 50 year old admitted to the cath lab, HR 200, BP 90/50, what would you do?
Vascular resistance is most greatly influenced by?
What is ACLS protocol for monophasic defibrillation?
How do you test a defibrillator?
If there valve has regurgitation, which CO should you use?
What does the c wave represent?
Where do you measure thermal dilution cardiac outputs?
What are the 4 anomalies associated with Tetrology of Fallot?
Which valve has the smallest valve area?
A PDA (patent ductus arteriousus) most likely causes?
What is a sign of right sided heart failure?
What is the purpose of the IABP?
Mean Arterial
Blood Pressure
Pulse Pressure
Normal O2
FICK Cardiac
Stoke Volume (SV)
Ejection Fraction
Cardiac Output L/min
Angiographic (LVMF)
Cardiac Index
Cardiac Index
Categories of Regurgitant
How is Systolic Ejection Period
(SEP) measured?
Aortic Valve Flow
What are Gorlin's constant used to analyze mitral and aortic valve areas?
Aortic Valve Area
Diastolic Filling Period (dfp)
Mitral Valve Flow
Mitral Valve Area (MVA)
Hakki formula
Peak to Peak Gradient
When calculating a L to R shunt occurring in the RA, what formula should be used for mixed venous saturation?
Systemic Vascular Resistance
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
Normal Absolute Resistance Units
(ARU's) for SVR and PVR
Conversion of HRU's
(Hybrid Resistance Units) to ARU's
(Absolute Resistance Units)
HRU's are also called Wood Units
Increase bicarbonate will do what to the pH?
What is the most common form of cardiac tumor?
The innermost layer of an artery is what?