Atoms are...
...another word for protons
...a type of metal
...building blocks of everything
...a Greek word for metals
Their are ❌ atoms in the periodic table.
Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. metals, non-metals and metaloids. molecules, elements and compounds. the atomic number and mass number.( protons, neutrons and electrons., metals, non-metals and metaloids., molecules, elements and compounds., the atomic number and mass number. )
The charge of an ATOM is neither positive or negative, it is neutrally charged.
Name a non-metalic cation?
There are Cations, Anions and Ions. Nuclei. Compounds.( Ions., Nuclei., Compounds. )
The last electron shell has 16 electrons in it.
when does an atom become positively charged?
when there is no atoms.
when an electron is removed from an atom.
when an proton is removed from an atom.
Hydrogen is an ❌.
Ionic compounds are metaliods hard,brittle and have high melting point formulas( metaliods, hard,brittle and have high melting point, formulas ).