Jenny Krinick
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Tests and Measurements Review for Qualifier

Jenny Krinick
Erstellt von Jenny Krinick vor etwa 8 Jahre

Tests and Measurements Review for Qualifier

Frage 1 von 55


The roots of contemporary psychological testing and assessment can be found in

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • early twentieth -century France.

  • early nineteenth- century Spain.

  • eleventh-century B.C.E. China.

  • mid-twentieth-century Las Vegas.


Frage 2 von 55


a coefficient of correlation is an index of the

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • degree to which one variable influences another

  • strength of the relationship between two things

  • way in which one event may cause another event

  • all of the above.


Frage 3 von 55


A reliability coefficient is an index of reliability that reflects the ratio between

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the error variance and the error variance squared.

  • the true score variance on a test and the total variance.

  • the true score variance on a test and the error variance squared.

  • the true score variance and the error variance.


Frage 4 von 55


Which is a source of error variance?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Test construction.

  • Test administration.

  • Test scoring.

  • All of the above.


Frage 5 von 55


Item sampling is a source of error variance within the context of

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • test construction.

  • test administration.

  • test scoring.

  • all of the above.


Frage 6 von 55


Which is NOT a form of reliability ?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Test-retest reliability

  • Past-Present reliability

  • split-half reliability

  • alternate-forms reliability


Frage 7 von 55


In general, as test length increases, test reliability

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • increases

  • decreases

  • is not affected either way

  • is affected but insignificantly


Frage 8 von 55


Coefficient alpha is conceptually

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the variance of all possible sources of error variance.

  • the mean of all possible split-half correlations.

  • the standard deviation of all possible sources of variation.

  • the estimate of inter-scorer reliability that is most robust.


Frage 9 von 55


Francis Galton is best known for

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the study of individual differences

  • group testing

  • the concept of mental age

  • eugenics and large scale implementation of IQ


Frage 10 von 55


A researcher finds a correlation of .40 between personal income and the number of years of college completed. Based upon this finding he can conclude that

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a person who attended four years of college will have an annual income of $40,000.

  • more years of education causes higher income.

  • personal income is a positively skewed variable.

  • more years of education are associated with higher income.


Frage 11 von 55


4. Which of the following indicates the strongest relationship?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • r = .5

  • r = .09

  • r = - .6

  • 10% of shared variance


Frage 12 von 55


According to classical test theory, errors of measurement are

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • always an overestimate of true scores

  • always underestimates of true scores

  • random

  • constant


Frage 13 von 55


which term does not belong?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • range

  • variance

  • median

  • standard deviation


Frage 14 von 55


It is most appropriate to use the Spearman-Brown formula to estimate what form of reliability?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Test-retest reliability.

  • Past-present reliability.

  • Split-half reliability.

  • Alternate-forms reliability.


Frage 15 von 55


An observed score is conceptually composed of a

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • criterion and true score

  • criterion and predictor

  • error and predictor

  • true score and error


Frage 16 von 55


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

Assuming the distribution of scores to test A being normal (observed mean=50, observed SD=12) indicate the Z score corresponding to:
A raw score of 32:
A raw score of 62:
A raw score of 50:
A T score of 60:
A deviation IQ score of 85:


Frage 17 von 55


a key difference between the terms "psychological testing" and "psychological assessment" is that "psychological testing" refers to a process that

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • involves more problem-solving than psychological assessment

  • is more technician-like than psychological assessment

  • was first decribed by Maloney and Warn in the mid-1970's

  • is much broader in score than psychological testing


Frage 18 von 55


Which is NOT typically a variable considered when evaluating the technical quality of a test?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • personality

  • reliability

  • validity

  • normative data


Frage 19 von 55


In the early 20th century, one solution for dealing with the problem of language and culture in mental ability testing was to

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • totally ignore the issue.

  • develop culture-free tests.

  • develop culture-specific tests.

  • translate tests into whatever language the immigrant spoke.


Frage 20 von 55


Steps taken by test developers to ensure suitability of a test for use with people of different cultures include

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • try-out of the test with various samples of test takers.

  • use of panels of experts to review test items.

  • analysis of test data to root out possible sources of bias.

  • all of the above.


Frage 21 von 55


"norms" is a term used in psychometrics to refer to the test performance data of

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • people tested at a different time than another group of test takers.

  • test takers who constitute a control group in an experiment.

  • a particular group of test takers to be used for comparison.

  • a sample of people with no prior training in the tested area.


Frage 22 von 55


The term "norming" refers to the process of

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • interpreting and re-interpreting norms.

  • deriving or generating norms.

  • distributing norms to members of target populations.

  • putting a carpenter's personal signature on a work product.


Frage 23 von 55


In the context of norming a test, a sample of the population refers to

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • people deemed to be representative of the whole population.

  • people deemed to be atypical of the whole population.

  • a mixture of people who are both representative and atypical.

  • a randomly selected group of people who share a characteristic.


Frage 24 von 55


in the language of psychometrics, reliability refers primarily to

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • expertise in measurement

  • dependability in measurement

  • speed of measurement

  • consistency in measurement


Frage 25 von 55


Stated succinctly, test validity refers to a judgment concerning

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • How consistent a test measures what it purports to measure.

  • Why the test should or should not be used for a specific purpose.

  • How well a test measures what it purports to measure.

  • How sound the evidence is that supports conclusions from it.


Frage 26 von 55


Which does NOT belong?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Criterion-related validity.

  • Content validity.

  • Concurrent validity.

  • Predictive validity


Frage 27 von 55


Your brother did very well in Mrs. Jones's class. Now you are in her class and can't seem to do any wrong. You are probably the benefit of

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a generosity error.

  • a halo effect.

  • a clerical error.

  • the Mel Gibson effect.


Frage 28 von 55


The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule is a personality test that features ipsative scoring. This means that the strength of various needs of the testtaker may be compared

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • to the strength of those needs in other test-takers

  • to the strength of other needs of the same testtaker

  • to the strength of needs expressed on the Mooney Problem Checklist.

  • all of the above


Frage 29 von 55


Which is most useful in determining whether different items on a test are measuring the same thing?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Co-validation.

  • Cross-validation.

  • Factor analysis.

  • Test tryout.


Frage 30 von 55


Which person is best associated with the view that non-intellective factors such as personality, persistence, and goal awareness must be considered when measuring intelligence?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Alfred Binet

  • David Wechsler

  • Sir Francis Galton

  • Sir Rudy Guilliani


Frage 31 von 55


Which type of intelligence is thought to be relatively culture-free in nature?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Interpersonal intelligence.

  • Fluid intelligence.

  • Crystallized intelligence.

  • Family intelligence.


Frage 32 von 55


The "Flynn Effect" is a reference to the phenomenon of

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • "inflation" of measured intelligence on tests.

  • "recession" in the ceiling effect for giftedness.

  • gender differences in measured intelligence.

  • culture loading of tests in terms of language


Frage 33 von 55


Which does NOT belong

Wähle eine der folgenden:






Frage 34 von 55


Which served as the basis for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the typology of John Holland

  • the typology of Carl Jung

  • the typology of Ray Rosenman

  • the typology of Hippocrates


Frage 35 von 55


As used in contemporary personality assessment, without linkage to any specific personality theory, "state" refers to

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the transitory exhibition of a personality trait.

  • an inferred psychodynamic disposition.

  • the condition one is in after a traumatic event.

  • a modality useful in evaluation and assessment.


Frage 36 von 55


The nomothetic approach to assessment is characterized by efforts to learn

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • how a large number of traits can be applied to relatively few people.

  • how each individual differs from the next in terms of personality traits.

  • how a limited number of traits apply to all people.

  • how the presumed strength of a trait may vary within the same individual.


Frage 37 von 55


Evaluating the psychometric soundness of a test like the Rorschach is difficult because

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • traditional construct validity evaluation procedures are not applicable.

  • traditional test-retest reliability procedures are not applicable.

  • the Rorschach taps enduring traits, not transient states.

  • all of the above


Frage 38 von 55


Army Alpha is best known for

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the first test to use non-verbal stimuli

  • group testing

  • the first psychometrically sound test

  • the first culture-free test


Frage 39 von 55


Properties of a normal distribution (which one does NOT belong)

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • is bell shaped

  • has a standard deviation of 1

  • central tendencies indices are equal

  • is also called a Gaussian distribution

  • is symmetric


Frage 40 von 55


Alfred Binet is best known for

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • the first IQ measure

  • the correction for attenuation formula

  • the concept of mental age

  • non-verbal tests

  • the Cronbach Alpha


Frage 41 von 55


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

indicate the range of a correlation coefficient: to


Frage 42 von 55


" a good test measures what is purports to measure and does so in relatively consistent fashion." This classic statement is a reference to the

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • degree to which a test is precise

  • degree to which a test is concise

  • degree to which a test is valid

  • psychometric quality of a test


Frage 43 von 55


Which one is a source of error variance?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • test administration

  • test construction

  • test scoring

  • all of the above


Frage 44 von 55


which type of validity is concerned with how the test is associated with a future outcome

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • concurrent validity

  • convergent validity

  • predictive validity

  • discriminant validity


Frage 45 von 55


to which type of validity does the follow statement refer to " assess the extent to which it shows association with measures that it should be related to" ?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • face validity

  • convergent validity

  • concurrent validity

  • discriminant validity


Frage 46 von 55


which one is not a "linearly" transformed normed score

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Z score

  • Stanine

  • Deviation IQ

  • T score


Frage 47 von 55


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

Write the letter of the name to which it belongs

A. Galton
B. Cattell
C. Binet
D. Terman
E. Stern
F. Goddard
G. Army Alpha
H. Army Beta

eugenics and large scale implementation of IQ
mental age
group testing G
study of individual differences
nonverbal tests
no relations between “mental tests” and academic achievement


Frage 48 von 55


Fülle die Lücke, um den Text zu vervollständigen

What are the three measures of central tendency?


Frage 49 von 55


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

measures of variability include the range, and what 3 others?

, ,


Frage 50 von 55


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

Label Validity and Reliability

1. is the extent to which an experiment, test, or any measure yields the same results on repeated trials; consistency.

2. is the extent to which any test measure what it’s intended to test


Frage 51 von 55


Fülle die Lücken, um den Text zu vervollständigen.

fill in the type of reliability (Parallel/Alternate forms, Test-retest reliability, Split Half, inter-rater reliability)

: an estimate of reliability obtained by correlating pairs of scores from the same people on two different administrations of the same test

: Measure of equivalence, Administer 2 different forms to the same group of people at 2 different points in times; measure of correlation between the 2 forms of the test

: Measurement of equivalence or agreement between coders; 2 or more observers rate behavior and determine the amount of agreement between the 2 coders; measures the correlation between the ratings of the first rater and the second rater

: Group of items, split test items into two groups, correlation among the different halves of the test


Frage 52 von 55


Criterion validity includes

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • concurrent

  • predictive

  • both a and b


Frage 53 von 55


Construct Validity:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • Measures how well the test assesses some underlying construct -Show how scores on the measure differ between groups of people

  • Assess whether the items on the measure match your definition on the construc

  • looks for the correlation of the new measure with existing measures

  • all of the above


Frage 54 von 55


construct validity that indicates a high correlation between 2 constructs measured using 2 different methods is known as

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • convergent validity

  • divergent validity

  • inter-item validity

  • inter-rate validity


Frage 55 von 55


Fülle die Lücke, um den Text zu vervollständigen

Item difficulty is the proportion of examinees who get the item correct is calculated by the: # who got the item (pick one) correct/incorrect divide by the # who answered the item
