Erstellt von jeremias1.herzer
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
Definition of Mass Media
For what is mass media used?
How does Tv manipulate us?
Which role does Mass Media play in our society?
Different Types of mass media.
Positive aspects of watching Tv
Negative aspects of watching Tv
How can parents minimize the negative impacts of watching television?
Advantages of the internet
Disadvantages of the internet
Data retention?
Cyber bullying?
What means cyber bullying exactly?
How does this work?
What can you do to protect yourself from this form of bullying?
What can you do against cyber bullying?
What are warning signs?
Which kids are at risk of getting bullied?
How to prevent cyberbullying?
Why don't victims ask for help?
Mobile Apps
+) Positive things of mobile apps
-) Negative things of mobile apps