Aidan Bernard
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Aidan Bernard
Erstellt von Aidan Bernard vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Science Final Exam Alberta Grade Nine Curriculm

Frage 1 von 4


Genetic diversity occurs within organisms of the same species

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • when the extinction rate within a species rises

  • in only the tropical regions of the world

  • in a relatively short period of time

  • at the cellular level


Frage 2 von 4


1.The tundra is located in the North Pole inthe Arctic Circle. The average winter temperature is-24°C and the average summer temperature is 8°C. Some of the species that inhabit this areaare polar bears, caribou, and small plants like rhododendron and betulas.

2.The weather in thechaparral biomeis very dry with wintertemperature averaging 10°C and summer temperatures averaging 40°C. Some of the species in the area include the fairy duster shrub, grasses and jackals.

What are both statements 1 and 2 referring to?

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • biological diversity

  • populations

  • ecosystems

  • species


Frage 3 von 4


Moving from the kingdom level to the genus level, there is:

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • a decrease in the similarities between organisms but an increase in their numbers.

  • a decrease in the number of organisms but an increase in their similarities

  • an increase in the number of organisms and their similarities.

  • a decrease in the number of organisms and their similarities.


Frage 4 von 4


Five species of finch that eat seeds on different parts of the same tree are exhibiting

Wähle eine der folgenden:

  • niche

  • symbiosis

  • resource partitioning

  • predator-prey relationships
