Erstellt von chantal Seguin
vor fast 9 Jahre
What is Conscriptive evidence?
Whats the distinction of the trier of fact and the trier of law?
List some non-testimonial evidence
list 3 primary sources of evidence law
What is a Prima Facie case?
examples of prima facie negligence case
Civil Prima....
what do we mean when we use the term presumption is rebuttible?
What is direct evidence?
2 types of implied statements
Difference between admissions and declarations
Wigmore Test (4 parts)
What does the law of evidence serve to help, why do we have it?
What is the adversarial process?
What is/are the standard(s) of proof?
The evolution of the rule of common law evidence
Types of evidence, what type is most used in court?
What is a legal presumption?
What is the definition of hearsay? (three components)
Past recollection recorded (police notes, etc.) is an exception to ____________________.
Definition of character evidence.
What is the caution placed on the admissibility of character evidence?
Lay person v expert
explain privilege
Privilege by class
privilege by case
How do you weigh the privative value of class privilege?
The following is a description of: evidence that would not have been obtained had it not been for an accused providing it voluntarily
Why do we say that the judge is the gate keeper?
What are two primary sources of evidence law and two secondary sources of evidence law?
Give the definition of a prima facie case - Contract, Criminal and negligence
Discuss generally, the phrase “A presumption is rebutable”.
What is direct evidence? Give an example
What are the two types of implied statements?
What is the difference between admission and declaration?
Wigmore’s criteria. Give six exceptions and how reliability and necessity apply to them.