Erstellt von Katie Gumbrell
vor fast 12 Jahre
Number of rebels in Western?
Number of retinues/mercenaries used by Russell to suppress Western?
Number of rebels killed in Kett's?
What the rebels called the new Book of Common Prayer:
Why were Norfolk and Devon the two areas of the country with the most serious rebellions?
Main leaders in the Pilgrimage of Grace?
Main leaders in Kett's?
Unpopular landowner that triggered Kett's rebellion?
Leaders in the Western Uprising?
Number of rebels in Kett's
Who suppressed Kett's
Who suppressed the Western Uprising?
Main grievances for Kett's
Main grievances for Western
Church commissioner killed in Cornwall (part of Western Uprising)
Other places of smaller rebellions?
Battle that ultimately suppressed Kett's
Foreign mercenaries used to suppress Kett's & Western, which country?
Also what problem did this create for Edward?