Erstellt von buzzybea1
vor etwa 11 Jahre
What should be the first thing which should be done when an animal comes in with a thoracic injury?
what investigations should be carried out with a thorax trauma?
how should a single fractured rib be treated?
what are the signs of a fractured ribs?
what is a flail chest?
why is flail chest serious?
how should flail chest be treated?
what does a pneumothroax look like on x-ray?
what are the main two types of pneumothrox seen in animals?
what may be visible on the body of an animal with pneumothorax?
How should a secondary pneumothroax be treated?
why is tension pneumothorax so dangerous?
what can be seen in a pneumo mediastinum?
how should pneumomediastinum be treated?
what can causes a pneumomediastinum?
how will a pneumomediastinum present and what should NOT be done?
how does diaphragmatic rupture present?
what can be done to confirm a pneumomediastinum?
how should a diaphragmatic rupture be treated?
what are the three presentations of a diaphragmatic rupture?
what is the most common cause of mortality post diaphragmatic rupture repair?