It is a prayer for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Hail Mary
Apostle's Creed
Glory Be
Prayer of a Lasallian
It is a prayer of faith in the teaching of Jesus and his Church, and contains a brief summary of our Catholic beliefs.
Act of Contrition
Lasallian Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
It is considered a perfect prayer which Jesus’ taught to his disciples.
It is a prayer that reaffirms the eternal glory of the Blessed Trinity.
Which is NOT true about prayer?
Prayer is a form of communication to God.
Prayer is only about asking God for blessings and petitions.
The word “pray” comes from a Latin word which means to ask.
Through prayer, we acknowledge our need and desire to make God as part of our life.
What should a student like you need to do to have a heartfelt conversation with God?
Be sure to memorize all the prayers to recite before God.
Stay inside the chapel but let your mind wander and think about your favorite video game.
Put yourself in God’s holy presence and talk to him with sincerity.
Inform everyone including your CL teacher before doing it.
What do we express to God every time we say the Lasallian Prayer?
Our desire to adore him
Our need to love him
Our need to ask for petitions
Our longing to thank him
Why do we need to know the basic types of prayers?
These are the only prayers allowed by the Church.
They are based on the words of Jesus.
These are our guides for making our personal prayers to God.
They are simple and easy to memorize.
Dave wishes to have a heartfelt conversation with God. What should he do?
He needs to memorize all the prayers he could find.
He needs to be sad and disappointed before he can do this.
He has to consult a priest or see his CL teacher to do this correctly.
He needs to find the right place and time to give praise and thanks, offer his love and ask God for his forgiveness.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - Grant me, O Lord, the grace to renew my life and to know and follow your will.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father, we worship you.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - Lord, I thank you for the light of this new day and for the hope that awakes me this morning.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - Dear God, I offer you my thoughts, words and action for this day.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - Forgive me, loving Father, for my inability to be faithful to your commandments.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - Loving Father, you are our Creator, our Refuge, our Strength and our Great Provider.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - Rescue me from my enemies, my God; lift me out of reach of my foes.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - I have made vows to you, God; with offerings I will fulfill them.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love; in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - I thank you, Lord, with all my heart; in the presence of the angels to you I sing.
IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF PRAYER BEING EXPRESSED IN THE PRAYER - Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, My God, my rock of refuge, my shield, my saving horn, my stronghold!