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Transportation. Chapter 2

Memo Gtz
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Transportation: critical in the economyHISTORICALSir Witson Churchill:"Transport was the basis for all that could be accomplished inthe war".Air transportinfraestructure:--> Political. --> MilitaryECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCEValue of Goods.Place UtilityQuantity UtilityUtility ofGoodsGeographicspecializationLarge-scaleproductionIncreasecompetitionLand ValuesTransportation PatternsGross Domestic Product (GDP)Freight transportationModal splitENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCEThe EnvironmentAir Quality & Acid rainMaritime & WaterQualitySafetyMODERN TRANSPORTATIONPOLITICAL SIGNIFICANCESOCIAL SIGNIFICANCELife support systemof the citizensTransp. system:determine the economicvalue of products.Reduction in transportationcosts between 2 points.Time qualityGreater for longer distancesbecause of the fixes charges.Law of Squares -Lardner.The demand for a particular commoditymay exist only during certain period of time.No demand = No valueAssurance that thegoods´ll arrive w/nodamage in the right Q.Lower consumerprices & more profit.Each nation, city, producesproducts & services for its citizensw/its capital, labor & raw m.(cluster)Economy of scale.Are the result of moreefficient operations.The large scale production is demanded atdistances away from the production site.Transport efficiencybigger potentialmket areaProduct decisionAvailability of transportation andadequancy to move the goods.InteractionUserProviderMake decisions that maximize therelevant consumer oriented goals.Determine the demands of thesystem and services to be offered.Origin & maintenance.Eminent DomainAcquire land for public use.Conduct their business & meetsocial needs.95%NoiseAirplanesMotorvehiclesOil spills, garbage from ships,hazardous material losses.Combustion engineemissions.Urban air quality (pollution).Produceacid rain.Global climate changes.Ozone reduction.Ultraviolet radiation.Reflect the flow of people & commerce.It simulates commerce& movement.Passengertransportation.Grows asGDP does.DOT.Department ofTransportationAnalytical tool forstudy of transport.= (Transportation market forpassenger & freight movements) /the major modes of transportation.8-9% of GDP.Decreasing due to newequipment & network scheduling.Doppelklick auf diesen KnotenKlicke und ziehe diese Schaltfläche, um einen neuen Knoten zu erstellen